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Alison's pov:

'You're right... I'm overreacting, I'm sorry. I won't leave you.' I say caressing her cheek.

'Don't be sorry, but promise me you won't think about it again.' she says looking at me.

'Promise.' I say and she nods smiling.

'Tomorrow I'll find a lawyer and everything will be alright.' she says.

'I'll help you, we're in this together.' I say.

'I really have the most amazing girlfriend of the world.' she says biting her lip.

'You're exaggerating now.' I say giggling and covering my face with my hand.

'No, I'm not. Or maybe I should say wife.' she says and I look at her with my eyes wide opened.

'What?' I say.

'I was thinking... When everything will be fixed and I will be divorced from Andrew, you could be my wife... if you want to, of course.' she says with a little smile.

'Of course I want to. I want to spend all my life with you.' I say smiling.

'So, we must hurry up and fix everything so we can finally spend our lives together and... married.' she says.

'You can't imagine how much I love you.' I say looking at her smiling and biting my lip.

'I love you too, but stop biting your lip.' she says.

'Or what?' I say teasing her.

'You know it.' she says getting closer to me.

'Mh... Maybe.' I say biting my lip again.

'You can't imagine what I would do to you.' she says squeezing my thighs and a moan escapes from my lips.

'I'm curious.' I say.

'You like playing with me, don't you?' she says smirking.

'A lot.' I say licking my lips to tease her.

As her lips get closer to mine, the door opens and we see Edith standing at the door.

'Sweetie, why you're up? Come here.' Cate sweetly says making her sign to sit on the bed with us.

Edith comes closer to us and she sits on the bed, Cate wraps her between her arms and I smile for the cuteness.

'Did you have a nightmare?' she softly asks caressing Edith's hair.

'Yes... I can't sleep mummy.' she answers with her little sweet voice.

'Oh, my poor baby.' Cate says kissing her head.

'Do you want to sleep with us?' I ask to Edith.

Edith looks at me enthusiastic, then she looks to Cate for her approval.

'You can sleep with us, sweetie.' Cate says smiling.

'Yaaay.' Edith happily says.

We lay on the bed under the blankets, Edith is between us and she rests her head on my chest closing her eyes. Cate wraps us with her arm and I look at her smiling.

'Goodnight, I love you.' She whispers to me.

'I love you too.' I whisper.

We both close our eyes and we fall asleep.

Next morning.

I spend the morning looking for a lawyer with Cate and we find one who could really be helpful for us to win the case.

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