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A week after.

Alison's pov.

Since Andrew died, Cate is no longer the same. She doesn't sleep, she doesn't eat, she doesn't talk... She seems to be off. I'm really worried about her and I don't know what to do to help her.
I sigh while turning off my computer, after writing another article.
My phone rings and I look at it. It's Emily... Since she came back from Paris we haven't had time to see each other.

'Hey, Em.' I answer.

'Ali, how are you? I miss my best friend so so much.' she says.

'I miss you too. Actually, things could be better...' I say sighing.

'Something happened?' she asks worried.

'A lot happened, Emily...' I say.

'You never call me Emily, it must be so bad then.' she says.

'Can we see each other?' I ask.

'Yes, of course. How sounds today at 5pm?' she says.

'Sounds good.' I say.

'I'll send you the position.' she says.

'Okay, see you later.' I say.

We end the call. I look around the house searching for Cate and I find her in our bedroom.

'Hey, babe.' I say sitting next to her on the bed.

'Hey.' she whispers looking at me with a weak smile.

Her eyes are so empty, I can't see her like this... She doesn't seem herself anymore.

'You're okay?' I say caressing her hand.

She nods and gently pulls away from me. I look at her confused.

'I'm seeing Emily in the afternoon, is it okay for you?' I ask.

'Yes.' she answers looking down.

'You're sure? If you wan...' I try to say but she cuts me off.

'I said yes. You can see Emily, just go.' she says a bit pissed off.

'But...' I try to speak again.

'Alison, shut up. I want to be alone, so leave.' she says rising a little bit her voice.

I try to hold my tears, I stand up without saying anything and I leave the bedroom slamming the door.

We can't go on like this, she isn't the Cate I fell in love with. Everything is falling apart and I don't know what to do to fix all this situation.

I leave the house and get inside the car, I reach Emily at the cafeteria of which she sent me the position. I park the car and I go inside. I see Emily and I reach the table.

'Ali.' she says smiling and hugging me.

I smile at her and hug her. We sit and she stares at me without saying anything.

'What?' I ask looking at her.

'What's happening? You don't look good, Al.' she says worried.

'How are you? How was Paris?' I ask trying to change the subject.

'I'm fine, Paris was amazing. Now tell me what's happening.' she says.

The waiter comes at our table and we order our coffees. Emily keeps looking at me for an answer and I sigh avoiding to look at her.

'Okay, now I'm really worried. You don't talk to me... You look like a disaster, you lost weight and you clearly aren't sleeping. Can you tell me what's the problem, please?' she says.

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