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Cate's pov:

I open my eyes and I smile looking at Alison who's sleeping next to me, she's holding my hand. I get closer to her and I softly press my lips on hers. She puts her hand on my waist and she answers to the kiss, sliding her tongue inside my mouth. I smile between her lips.

'Mhh, good morning. I thought you were sleeping.' I say looking at her.

'I want to wake up like this everyday.' she says caressing my waist.

'It can be like this everyday if we want to.' I say.

'Are you proposing me to live together?' she says smirking.

'Actually, no.' I sarcastically say joking.

'Oh okay, so I should leave.' she says faking to be offended.

'I won't let you leave.' I say wrapping her tightly.

'I can't move... mhh but I like it.' she says giggling.

I kiss her and I bite hard her lip.

'My poor lips, you always bite them.' she says rolling her eyes.

'It's not my fault, you're irresistible baby.' I say caressing her hair.

She rests her head on my chest inhaling my perfume. I smile for her cuteness.

'Ugh... I have to get up and go to work.' she mumbles.

'Oh, you leave me all alone?' I say disappointed.

'I’d even get fired to stay with you.' she says looking at me.

'Don't even think about it.' I say laughing. 'I must get up too, the kids have school.'

'I can take them to school if you're okay with it.' she says.

'Doesn't it bother you?' I ask.

'What? No, it doesn't.' she says smiling.

'Okay, you're an angel.' I say kissing her.

'If you keep kissing me, I won't get up.' she says making me giggle.

'Let's leave this bed together, it's better.' I say laughing.

After breakfast, I help the kids to prepare for school while Alison gets ready to go to work.

'Hurry up or you'll be late!' I shout to the kids from the living room.

'Okay I'm ready.' Alison says coming in the room.

'Why you're always so beautiful?' I say biting my lip.

'Love, I'm only wearing a jeans, a simple T-shirt and a jacket.' she says giggling.

'Whatever you wear, you look hot.' I say.

The kids run into the living room reaching the front door.

'Behave yourselves with Alison.' I say to them and they all nod simultaneously making me laugh.

'Bye mum.' they all say and they open the door reaching Alison's car.

'See you later, babe. I love you.' Alison says and she gives me a quick kiss before leaving.

'I love you too.' I say and she closes the door.

A complete silence invades the house... Well, at least I have some time to relax a little bit.
I tidy the kids' rooms and I clean all the house. I take a quick shower and after dressing up, someone rings at the door. I go to open the door.

'Oh... hi, Andrew.' I say with a weak smile and I avoid to look at him.

'I'm here to take my stuff.' he says a bit cold and I let him coming inside.

He directly goes to the bedroom to take his stuff and he quickly grabs all his clothes putting them in a bag.
I look at him standing near the room's door.

'Ehm... Can we talk?' I ask. 'In a civil way. Please.'

'I'm listening.' he says while he finishes picking up his stuff.

'It's about our children.' I say getting inside the room.

'Listen, I'll be direct with you.' he says and he sighs. 'Our sons are old enough but... I want Edith's full custody.'

His words break my heart into thousands pieces. My eyes fill up with tears.

'Why?' I say with a broken voice. 'Why do you do this?'

'Are you really asking it?' he says nervously laughing.

'I cheated on you, I know. I did a fucking mistake, okay?' I say raising my voice. 'But you can't do this to our little girl. We could make a deal, you'll be able to see the kids whenever you want to. But don't take her completely away from me.'

'I won't change my mind.' he coldly says.

'When did you become like this? I don't recognize you anymore, you're not the man I fell in love with.' I say as tears roll down my cheeks.

'No, I'm not. I became like this because of you. Don't you remember what you did?' he says.

'Can't you stop picking up this argument whenever we talk?' I say.

'Oh, sorry. But you know, it's not easy to forget that your wife was fucking with the neighbor.' he says.

'How many times I have to tell you that I know I made a mistake? But it can't be fixed.' I say and I take a deep breath. 'Now can we go back to talk about the kids?'

'I already told you, you can't change my mind. A judge will decide what's best for our daughter. I suggest you to start looking for a lawyer.' he says taking the bag.

'So this is your final decision?' I say.

'Yes.' he simply answers while he leaves the room.

'Why do you have to ruin her life?' I say raising my voice and following him.

'Darling, I'm not ruining anyone's life. You ruined her life... our life, our family. It's your fault, blame yourself. Not me.' he says and with this words he leaves the house without giving me the chance to answer him and continue the conversation.

I sit on the couch and I start to cry hard. I fucking ruined everything and it's my fault that Edith's life will be affected too.

After a couple of hours I'm still on the couch, I hear Alison's car and I wipe my tears before going to open the door. The kids run to hug me and I smile hugging them back. They get inside the house and I meet Dashiell's eyes.

'Mum, you're okay? What happened?' he asks worried coming inside.

'Don't worry. We'll talk about it later, okay?' I sweetly say to him and I give him a weak smile. He just nods still worried and he goes upstairs.

'Hey, I missed you.' Alison says hugging me from the back.

'I missed you too.' I say turning around and I kiss her.

'Did you cry? Your eyes are all red. What's wrong?' she asks worried and she caresses my cheek.

'Just hug me, please.' I say as tears start to fall again.

She wipes my tears and she hugs me tightly.

'I'm here, now. Shh.' she softly whispers trying to calm me. 'Something happened?' she asks.

'He... h-he wants to take her away.' I say looking at her.

'What? Who, Edith?' she asks worried.

'Yes... He told me that it's better if I already start looking for a lawyer.' I say.

'What? I'll kill him. I'll fucking kill him.' she says starting to become angry.

'I can't lose her, Alison. I don't want that all this situation affects her life. It's already so difficult, she's just a little kid...' I say sobbing.

'Hey. Look at me.' she says softly taking my head with her hands, making me look at her. 'He won't take her away, never. I promise you that everything will be alright. We will overcome it, she will stay with you.'

'With us. We're her family now.' I say.

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