New schools pt 1

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"This shit sucks."I say to my sister that was going off to college in a week. "I know but at least you weren't one of those people that he killed or raped" she said sitting down on the same bed. "I hate new people and I hate new schools" I say helping her pack. (Her name is Lily) "maybe you'll go to the same school with your friends." Lily said reassuring me. "Maybe" I said being hopeful. *the next week* I was crying my eyes out when I was seeing lily saying goodbye to our parents. She finally came to me to say her goodbye. "Hey, I may be across the world from you but i still get to pick on you and tell you what to do" she said lifting my chin. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she squeezed me tight. "I'll call you every night" she said. "At 8:00 pm sharp" she said hugging me tighter. "I love you" "I love you too lil loo" We watched her board her plane but before she got on, she turned back and winked at me. I knew she did something. We left the airport. And when I changed my clothes into my pjs and before I put them into my  laundry basket, a note fell onto my foot. It was from lily. It said...
Dear y/n/n
I know you have to move schools and see new people but just remember that I am still with you through heart. Anytime you need me, call me but I may not answer right away but I'll try my best. You're my only sister and the only sister I've ever wanted. You mean the world to me. Yes you may be 16 but you're still MY baby sissy. You always will have me. I love you so fucking much.

P.s. don't tell mom I said a bad word :)

                                                 -Lil Loo <3

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