New Schools pt 2

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A tear ran down my face after I read it. I put the note in my secret safe that lily had given me for my birthday. It had all kinds of memories in that little box. I put in the code and dropped the note in. I was about to go to bed when my mom and dad came into my room. "Honey we have some news about the school that you are going to." I sighed and sat up ready to listen. "And we also got an email from work." my dad said after. "Tell me about school first." I said wanting to get it over with. "Well you got accepted into Lawndale High and a couple of girls named Katrina Stuart, Devyn Lundy, and Andrea Russett will show you around the whole day and if you get done with the tour early then they will take you to the bleachers and you guys can get to know each other well." My mom said with a sweet smile. "Okay and what about you guys work" I said looking at my dad. "Well we have to go on a business trip for 3 - 6 months but since you are almost an adult and you are responsible enough, we don't have to get you a baby sitter if you don't want to." My dad said. "Oh that awesome guys, but I don't need a baby sitter, I have a car, money, and Cookie to give me company. (Cookie is your little brown and white corgi)." They gave me smiles that said that they trust me. "Okay well we leave tomorrow afternoon right after you get out of school so you can see us before we leave." My mom said. "Okay well then I might wanna get to sleep so I can have a good attitude for school." I said. "Okay good night baby." My mom said patting my hand and kissing my cheek. "Goodnight champ" My dad said ruffling my hair.


I woke up to my alarm going off so I got out of bed and got ready. 1. Brush my teeth/ 2.Get dressed/ 3. fix hair/4. go to Starbucks. I look at my phone and seen pictures of the new school. 'Not bad' I thought to myself. It was 7:23 A.M so to pass time, I walked Cookie. When I got back, I got my keys, said bye to my parents, and went to my favorite place, Starbucks. I got what I ALWAYS ordered and drove to school. I went to the office and there were 3 pretty girls talking to each other on what they should tour first. "Hello Mrs. Y/L/N, my name is Mrs.Lee and I am the principle of Lawndale High." She said with a warm smile. I shook her hand and she introduced me to the three girls. "Hi my name is Katrina Stuart but you can call me Kat for short." "My name is Devyn Lundy and I am the cheerleader captain of the Lawndale Cardinals." "My name is Andrea Russett and my name is NOT pronounced on-drea." 'Y/n, Y/n Y/l/n." "alright ladies, today you four will not be counted absent or tardy because you all have a tour to give miss yn." She said patting my back. "Okay carry on and if you get done early, you may go to class or hang out at the bleachers." They nodded and we went to the cafeteria. "So this is the cafeteria and right over there are snack booths that are open all day long." Kat said.


We finished the tour about an hour early before the bell rang and they didn't take me to the bleachers nor any class. "Um aren't we supposed to go to the bleachers." I asked. "Yeah but we have one more place to show you." Devyn said grabbing my wrist so we don't get caught. We went all the way down to the basement and at the far corner, there was talking. In front of all the talking and light, was a big piece of wood and brick. We went around it and found a couple of people hanging out on couches and chairs. They seen me and they all stood up with a straight face. "What the fuck Kat, why is someone that's not apart of our group down here"


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