New schools~41

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We got along with Coach Higgs pretty well every now and then we would give her a few snacks and stuff like that. We had another 4 hours before we arrive to the hotel and apparently we are going to be the first ones there. We all took naps until then.

We all woke up to the bus' brakes being slammed and everyone falling in the floor.

"Oowwwiee" I groaned rubbing my head. "Wakes wakes sleepy kiddos!we're here!" Coach Higgs said loudly. We all ran to the front of the bus and saw that we were in Las Vegas.

We picked our snacks up and we were the first bus here. Even our own school isn't here yet. "Wait weren't we the last ones to leave?" I asked. "I have my ways" coach answered.  We ran to the front lobby to check in our rooms. There were 40 floors and we were on the 27th one. The guys room was right across from us girls.

I texted Kylie (one of the other girls in my class) where they were and she said they were 25 miles away. Coach really does have her ways. We explored while coach went to her room to take a quick nap.

We had some spare time to kill so we went to our room. Everyone gathered in and we decided to stick together. At least with a partner. "Damn this room is nice" Colby said lying down on the bed.

"Yeah I know." Corey said sitting devyn in his lap on the desk chair. "But you guys have the same room" I said lying next to colby. "Yeah but this one is clean" Sam said. "You guys already trashed yours?" Tara said raising her eyebrows.

"Not yet" jake answered. We looked outside on the balcony and there were 17 other buses outside in the parking lot. "Damn that's a lot of people" Kat said. We saw our school walking in the lobby so we weren't alone here anymore. Then the manager of the entire hotel got onto a podium and quieted everyone down.

"By the looks of it, there's a lot of you seniors here. I just want to say congrats on making it this far into your school years" the manager spoke through a loud intercom. "I've discussed this trip with your prince led at a board meeting. You guys are free to do what you want besides break things. We have multiple cameras in the halls but none in the room. So I ask you to keep everything nice for a thank you to your teachers for this trip." He continued. "I hope you all enjoy this trip and please be kind to one another. Go in now" he finished.

Everyone crowded into the hotel and into their rooms. I felt kinda bad for the front desk people.

"I'm hungry. Let's order food" Jake said. "I mean they have a big food lobby on the 3rd,10th, and 15th floor. We can go there" I suggested. We climbed into an open elevator and went to the 15th floor.

The aroma fu ally hit as the elevator door opened to a giant room full of buffets and all types of food. There were quite a few people there with us but that was fine.

"They are open all day!" Corey said getting a to go box. We separated into different section of the place. Colby and I went to the Chinese food while the rest went over to the sea food or hotdogs.

We waited at the doors of the elevator for the Jake and Sam to come back with their to go boxes.

Once they finally finished, we went back to the girls room and ate and watched tv.

There was really nothing to do today besides get situated. Tara and I were sharing a bed while Kat and Devyn share one. We finished eating and threw the trash away. The guys went back to their room for the night seeing as it was already 11:36 pm.

"Man this week is gonna be epic" Kat said going to the mini fridge full of drinks like soda,water, chocolate milk, etc and then another drawer full of snacks like gummies,crackers, chips, popcorn,etc.

This trip is supposed to get us ready to be responsible to be on our own when we graduate. We are basically free to do what we want besides leave the hotel without a tracker to make sure we don't get lost.

We decided to get some sleep so we can be early for the buffet.

[{The next morning}]

It was around 8 in the morning and I suppose everyone was still sleeping since literally no one went to bed since they didn't have to. We woke the guys up and they came with us to the buffet.

And we were right. Barely anyone was at the buffet on the lowest floor they are on. There were 3 girls standing at the pancake table with their backs facing us. They turned over without looking at us and got toppings for their pancakes. "Oh my god thats them" Tara said whispering in my ear. I nodded and we minded our own business. I went to the scrabbles egg and bacon table with the girls.

We were getting our food until someone tapped our shoulder. We all turned around and saw the girls from the volleyball championship. "Oh um hi" I said. "Hi  we just want to say we're really sorry for our behavior at the hotel at the championship. We were in the wrong place and should've been nicer. Will you guys forgive us?" The first one said. We looked at each other and nodded. "Sure we can" I smiled. "Oh by the way I'm Harmony, this is Veronica and Kadence" harmony (the first one) said.

We greeted ourselves and went back to our rooms.

[{I'm too lazy to write anymore about this so nothing special happened in the trip and they are back home at their own graduation}].

Today is the day. Graduation. My name finally got called to the front of the stage to get my diploma. I went back to my seat and the last few people got called. We stood up, grabbed out caps, and threw them in the air.

8 months later

To this day, we are still friends, I'm still dating Colby, and we live in the same place.

We all applied to a collage in different places and we all got our results in. We all brought our own computers to my place and gathered around the counter.

"Whether we get jn our dream collages, we are all successful" Sam said. We agreed and opened the email on three








We all celebrated and went home

The day everyone leaves

It was probably the most emotional day of my life when I had to say good bye to everyone I love. Especially Colby. First I was the new girl and now I'm the most happiest person in the universe. Lily would be so proud. We all gave a big group hug and went into our cars and drove off to our collage dorms. Our apartments were gonna be taken by other people and our lockers are going to as well.

Maybe is wasn't so bad being the new girl in school.

New Schools {[FINISHED}]Where stories live. Discover now