New schools (part 23)

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"Holy shit!!" Corey exclaimed holding his chest. "You are some crazy mother fuckers!" Tara said. We continued to walk around to find where we were going to sleep and just camp out for the night. "So you guys, let's walk around for a while." Katrina said setting the stuff in her hands down. Before we left to explore, I of course grabbed the bag of takis. Can't explore on an empty stomach. "Why the fuck is there an escalator in an insane asylum?" I asked licking the takis dust off my fingers. "I don't know. Weird." Devyn answered. " i havent told you guys yet but I recently joined volleyball and I bought a volleyball. Along with some penny boards." I said turning around to our set up spot. I ran back and spilled everything out of my arms to the center of us. "Let's ride the penny boards and randomly throw the ball to each other. The last one who falls off the board wins." I say smirking. "Yeah and you're call us some crazy mother fuckers." Sam said but still agreeing. I grabbed the ball and checked to make sure that everyone was on their boards. "3....2....1....GO!" I screamed loud enough for them to hear me. Right away, Devyn and Tara fell off the board. They picked it up and sat it with the rest of our stuff and watched us being stupid. We really didn't have much besides 3 full backpacks. I threw the ball to Katrina as hard as I could which knocked her off almost falling backwards. "Fuck!" She said smiling at me shaking her head. Colby picked it up and threw it back to me and since I wasn't bad at volleyball, I hit it over to Corey making him get scared and fall to the ground. He laughed. "My asssssss!!!" He hissed. I couldn't help but chuckle. I was about to fall until I caught by balance. I did see it but Sam got nailed in the face by Colby when he threw the ball. When I looked over, Sam was laughing so hard he couldn't breath. It was down to me and colby. We were about 2 feet away from each other. I had gotten the ball before him so that's a bonus for winning. When I was about to throw the ball at Colby, I heard footsteps running towards Colby and I. I felt a cold wind sweep past us so hard and fast that it knocked both of us off the boards. "What the fuck was that" I say. I look over and seen a white mist instantly disappear. "Please tell me I'm not the only one who seen that" I whispered frozen. "You're not" I heard Colby quietly say. After about 10 seconds of complete silence and no movement, I heard footsteps and seen flashlights. My head quickly turned to the voices that yelled "Hey!!! What are you kids doing in here!! Put your hands up immediately!!! You're going to jail!!!!" The police officer boomed. Corey,Kat,Tara,Devyn, and Jake were all sitting down quickly standing up and collecting all of our stuff. Colby and I looked into each other's eyes, we slightly smiled and nodded signaling that we were gonna have to dip. I picked up the penny board and we booked it. Thank god that volleyball payed off during the school year. The other guys hid without us knowing but Colby and I kept running. We were laughing as well. "Bro this is fucking crazy!" I say glancing over at him. "Damn right it is!" He replied looking back to me. We seen the flashlights fade in the distance so we stopped behind a giant old oak tree to take a rest. "Damn that's my workout for the month" Colby joked wiping his sweat from his forehead with his hoodie arm. "Same" I giggled.

New Schools {[FINISHED}]Where stories live. Discover now