New schools (part 22)

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We again talked about what we were gonna do for the summer "WAIT! Why don't we go exploring like Sam and I used to do all the time when we went back to our home town!" Colby stated as his face lit up. "Oh my god Colby that's such a good idea!" I said standing up. "When are we gonna do it?" I ask. "Tonight!" Colby says. Colby called Sam and told him what we were doing and since they were boys, they were anted to spice things up and make sure they go to a haunted one. We were going to an insane asylum with over 532 murders or just plain out deaths. I was scared but excited at the same time!! We walk up to sams apartment where everyone else was. Devyn, Corey, Sam, Kat, Jake, and Tara were all sitting on the couch talking. "Hey dudes. Let's get started on the plan!" I say as Colby and I sat in the giant love sack. "Okay first things first, Sam, you and I have been exploring abandoned places for years so it'll be easy for us to sneak in." Colby said. "Wait where is this place? And what's it's called again? Oh and give us some background info" Katrina questioned. "The name of the place is called the Athens Lunatic Insane Asylum. It had been abandoned and closed down for over 100+ year due to too many patients killing one another and the workers. They say that the man who created it, Louis Smith, killed him self and still haunts that asylum." Colby states in a serious tone. "Damn" was all Tara said. "Yeah but since so many people have tried to sneak in, there's popo everywhere guarding the area. That's the fun part!" Sam exclaimed. "Okay Colby and I have already packed some necessities such as flashlights, batteries, a portable charger, face masks to cover our noses so we don't breath in anything bad. And some water." I say looking into our backpack. "Perfect. We got the sleeping bags and-" Sam said before getting cut off by Corey. "Wait what the fuck. I never agreed to spending the night there!" Corey whined. "Too bad brother. You gotta!" Jake said patting his back. "Well fuck" said Corey throwing his hands in the air. We laughed and drove all the way to Las Vegas Nevada. It was a long drive. "Jake your suffocating my foot!" Colby said struggling to move. "Well it's not my fault that coreys foot is up my ass!!" He replied. "I'm sorry brother!!! I can't help it! No wonder it was warm!" Corey said. "Sam pull over to this gas station so we can get situated." I asked. He nodded and pulled off to the parking lot and went with Kat to grab snacks. "Okay listen. Sam and Kat in the front seats. Me and Colby in the middle seats. Devyn and Corey and Jake and Tara all the way in the back seat. Sound good?" I say waiting for a response. They nodded and went to use the bathroom and came back. "Oh shit I call dibs on the takis!!!!" I say snatching them from the bag. "Oh fuck you yn" Tara said grabbing the hot Cheetos. We laughed and did a little karaoke on the way. Once we arrived in Vegas, we had to park in a motel parking lot so and just walk the mile to the asylum. We ducked behind a big bush and waited until the guard turned the other direction. Once he did, Tara and Kat and Devyn and I were lifted one by one over the fence with the help of the boys. The guys then pulled Colby up to grab the the other boys and pulled them up one at a time. As we grabbed sams hand to lift him up, Kat said "Sam let go!!! The guard is coming back" he looked over and seen the flashlight coming closer to the ground where he was standing at. Colby let go of his hand and he ducked behind the wall along with us. Sam scooted into the bush without making a single noise. Damn they are really good at this. He was there for about 5 minutes until he left to talk to the other cop. Sam quickly latched on the Colbys hand and pulled himself up. We made it in time.

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