New Schools~40

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The next morning I woke up, got ready for school, and went to Colbys. I knocked and he opened the door with coffee in his hand. "Hey baby" he said giving me a kiss on the forehead. "Hey love." I answered. "What are you doing over here?" He asked me. "Oh no reason. Well it's about the hotel trip. You've been here longer than I have and I assume you know a lot of people who has gone to the hotel trip. What's it like?" I asked.

I was honestly very excited but I just wanna be noted on what to do there. I mean yes there's tons of things to do but I don't wanna get carried away. "Well little do you know missy, is that I've already been. So this year is my second time going." He said with a smirk. "Aren't only seniors supposed to go?" I asked. "I went sophomore year. A group of my friends snuck me in that year. And it was awesome" he told me. "You sneaky little boy" I said

He shrugged his shoulders and hugged me goodbye. I drove off to a new cafe in town that was closer to our apartment complex. It was called Lawndale Cafe. I went to a booth near the back and ordered just a medium caramel cookie latte with extra caramel and whipped cream.

I mainly went there to finish up some work but I also wanted to start writing. Like I had a urge to create a new story. That's kinda weird for me since I never really was a writing girl.

The story is about me meeting Colby. So a romance if you will. I named my character Bianca and Colby as Henry. Bianca moves to a new school, meets the love of her life, sister dies, senior year. And the rest is for the hotel trip.

I looked at the time and I already skipped first period. I quickly packed up and drove to school and went straight to my second period class. Students were still in the halls so the bell hasn't rung yet.

Colby was in my second period class and once he saw me walk through the door, he smiled. I sat down next to him. "Hey where were you first period. The girls said they didn't see you and you weren't at your locker." He asked questionably. "Well I uh I went to a new cafe to finish up things about um lilly. How she doesn't want a funeral and all that." I said. "Oh okay bad just wondering" he said and kissed my cheek.

School ended and I went straight back to my apartment.

Even though it hurt me lying to colby, I don't anyone knowing what I do in my spare time now. It's my little secret. I began writing again. A full two chapters done. I closed my computer and just relaxed the rest of the day.

5 months later::::HotelTrip

Yn pov

Today was finally the day we leave fire the hotel trip. My parents said it was fine as long as I have fun. I guess they still feel bad about Lily dying. I got dressed, brushed my teeth,made breakfast, fixed my hair, and went to kats apartment. We are all driving together and going home together. "Okay now we are just waiting for colby." Tara said. After five minutes. He came over so we discussed what were are doing at the hotel.

"Okay so I asked our principal about how many buses we are taking. She said we are taking 4 busses because there's 182 students going and one of them are for our luggage. So that means we got to get in the very back of the line to get on the busses because the last bus won't have as many people on it. And we get the back seats." Sam explained. "Damn a mathematician over here" Corey said. We all climbing into my car and headed for the school.

We leave the school at 8 am and it's 7:39 am now. We walked to the football field where quiet a lot of people were and we placed our luggage in a big pile of luggage.

All of us girls had a small travel bag filled with some everyday items like chapstick,deodorant, gum, and the rest of the space is FULL of snacks. Like I mean packed.

We all went to the little food shop in our cafeteria and grabbed coffees and muffins to eat before we leave.

It was 7:49 so we rushed to the busses and got in the back of the very long line. The busses came on the track field and lined up. We stayed in a group and walked and walked. It was 7:52 am and we had to leave soon. Coach Higgs was on the last bus and o signaled her for us to get on and only us. She Pepe d the door and waved her hand for us to come over here. We ran and got on. "Honey how many busses do you see?" She asked. "Five?" I said looking forward. "Exactly. I talked to the principal and she doesn't care. This bus is for y'all" she said. "Oh my thank you so much" I said and gave her a hug. We went to the back and got seated.

The journey began.

New Schools {[FINISHED}]Where stories live. Discover now