chapter forty-eight

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"Lauren hear me out," Roger said as he held his hands up as if he's trying to not tempt a bull.

I guess I was the bull in this situation.

Somehow I'd convinced the label and the team to let me shoot the Angel music video Miami so I could have my friends it in. Of course Jessica, the head of the label, has asked for everyone's head shots first. I stood there dumbfounded and said they're just regular high school girls they wouldn't have headshots. It almost made her want to not pull through with it, but I convinced her I'd be more comfortable in shooting it around my friends then strangers.

Jessica thought about it for a minute before asking for all of their names. I named everyone I could who'd want to be in it. From some of the girls on the lacrosse team to some members in the cheer squad. I was surprised to see her assistant walk in with an iPad in hand to show her something. I later found out they found access to our yearbook online somehow.

It scared me a little how fast and easy they got their hands on that.

"No," I said as I shook my head and adjusted the red leather jacket that was the only thing covering my half naked body, "She can't be here." I told Roger as he sighed as if he was was under immense stress.

"Lauren," He said while walking over and pulling me to the side, "The label thinks it's good for you to have Catalina be in the video with you and all your friends. That way some of her fans can be your fans."

I looked at him like he was crazy," My girlfriend is gonna be here and you want the girl she almost accused me of cheating with to be in the same room?" I asked him in a whispering hiss.

"I see how that could be bad, but she knows you wouldn't do that."

Sighing I just shook my head and rubbed my temple, "You don't know Camila, Roger. She...she over thinks. Whether she likes to admit it or not she does. I just don't want her to fall victim to what her mind makes her think." I whispered out the last part while looking over his shoulder to see all of my friends already in their costumes and makeup. "Just...please tell me she isn't coming today. We can shoot a scene with her another day."

"You see-"

"Lo!" I felt my body jump from hearing the voice of the talented singer coming from behind me. Slowly I turned only to be enveloped in a tight hug by Catalina with her legs wrapped around my waist and her arms cutting my air off. "Oh my god I missed-you don't how happy I got when they asked if I wanted to be in your video."

I just kept my arms extended outward as I watched Catalina's manager recording our reunion probably for her instagram story.


This won't end well for me.

I helped Catalina down and I tried my best to not look like I was scared for my life at the thought of her meeting my girlfriend, "I'm happy to see you too, Cata. I didn't think you'd show up with your single promo."

Catalina shook her head while reaching for my hand and holding it between both of hers as she looked at me with the brightest smile, "Yeah that almost didn't let me, but then Rachel, you know my manager, said this could actually help grow my audience since we're in two different genres."

"Funny," I said while noticing both of our managers speaking to each other, "Roger said the same thing." I sadly lowly while noticinf they...kind of look alike.

That's just a coincidence.

"Ralph!" We both turned to be met with Dinah, Ariana, and Normani all coming up to me while everyone else stayed back to hear the director explain the next scene we were gonna do. I'd already ran it through with the girls yesterday when I got back. "Walz," Dinah asked as she looked over to Catalina who was still holding my hand, "Wow. Curly hair looks good on you. Did they get you green contacts? You look crazy with colored eyes." Dinah said in astonishment as the rest of us realized What was happening.

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