2.The Resort

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509 words
(Bakugous pov)

Once I got off the bus, I saw a hawk on a man's shoulder. It dove down toward the bus and landed on kirishimas shoulder. At first he looked confused, it was almost ador- no stop he probably likes someone already.

"Mom, dad what are you doing here!? " I was pretty shocked I knew he lived alone and his parents were elsewhere, but his parents live here in C.P, unlike most of my classmates I didn't show the fact that I was shocked. I kept a straight face.

"UA reached out and asked if they could use the resort and we gladly accepted. We didn't tell you because we wanted it to be a surprise! " A woman with shark teeth said. I'm assuming that she is his mother. Then the man turned to me with a smile.

"You're bakugou, I'm assuming. Correct?" I didn't know how he knew that I scowled.

"Yeah, what about it" I said with a scowl. Kirishimas mom Walked to the car door. "You're mother dropped this off yesterday" When she opened the door, my Pomeranian kaku jumped out of their car.

So that's where she went. The old hag just said she wasn't dealing with that bitch while I was gone. "Aww it's a Pomeranian!!" Pinky squealed trying to pet her.

Kaku growled and tried to bite her, but was pulled away just in time. After nearly biting off alien girls hand, she trotted over and sat beside me.

"So kirishima has a hawk and bakugou has a Pomeranian" Some students said while unloading the bus.

"Anyways, let's head to the resort"  Kirishimas mother said walking towards kirishima and hugging him.

"Yes let's go, someone is getting excited" Mr aizawa stated, turning his head toward a very excited present mic, jumping up and down like a two year old.

We walked straight to a huge ass resort. "Wait, this is the same resort that shark the surfer stays at!! " Deku said very excitingly.

Kirishimas I grew wide as him and his parents were surrounded by news reporters. "Look, we'd love to answer your questions, but our son is here with his classmates and we need to get them settled in" Shitty hairs father said.

"Each of you will get a key card that will give you access to the pool, spa, cafe, dining room, washroom, and you're own room." The woman that worked at the front desk handed out key cards. "Everyone shares a room with another of the same gender, if you're gay, don't get any ideas" After we got our cards. Everyone hurried to find where their rooms are, and their roommates. Kirishima and I were in room 420. What a fucking coincidence.

A/N. Why, cello there.

Okay so I finally finished chapter two and I am posting chapter one, do everytime I type another chapter, the previous chapter will be published. I think that's pretty cool I guess so like one chapter every week or so.

🏳‍🌈 Arson 🔥

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