32. jealous

974 36 82

Kiri pov

Uraraka pulled bakugou away. She was blushing and really awkward.

She was gonna confess

When they came back, she was really happy.  Looks like he accepted.

I thought he was gay

Maybe he's bi.

Now that I think about it, there's so many things we still don't know about each other. No matter it didn't work. We never talked. He's not really the talking type of person.

At least that's what I assume.

Maybe we weren't as close as I thought. I tried to tell him everything about me, but he rarely talked about himself.

I should have asked

Uraraka pov





I've liked him since our first year of high school before he and Kirishima went out. I didn't want to be a bitch and ruin his happiness so I didn't do anything.

I was happy as long as he was happy.

That's all that matters is happiness.

So if he left me for someone else... As long as I co see him happy, then I was content. 🤗

(Ochako is so precious (*’(OO)’*)

Me and bakugou were going on a date. I don't know what to wear.

I don't want to go too dressed up, but not underdressed.

We were going to eat dinner.

I decided to grab a pink sweater and black skirt.

Bakugou picked me up at my house wearing a black shirt, black pants, and a blue over shirt.

(Their outfits) (my multi shipper heart is quaking)

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(Their outfits) (my multi shipper heart is quaking)

"Hi bakugou!" I waved, walking out of my house and taking his hand.

"Hey uraraka" I blushed. I still wasn't used to him saying my actual name!

"Haha, let's go!" I pulled his arm in the direction of the restaurant.

(If your wondering why they aren't driving is because in som places if Japan they use more natural ways of transportation, they usually use trains  and walk)

We arrived at the restaurant..

"Woah, this place looks cool. I've never been here" I pointed out.

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