3. the beach

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675 words
Kirishimas POV

I was headed to my room when dad stopped me. "Hold it right there, you are sharing a room with one of you're classmates. " I was confused at first, but then I understood. I'm on a school trip, of course I'll have a roommate.

Mom handed me a key "thanks" I yelled, running  off with my bags with crimson tailing behind me. Once I got to my room, I swiped the key card and entered the room.

"Looks like I'm roommates with you shitty hair" Of course, I have to share a room with my crush. I was shut out of my thoughts when bakugou yelled "Hey, hurry up and set you're stuff down, that shitty sonic the hedgehog wants us to meet in the dining hall"

I responded with a quick okay before setting my bags down. Me and bakugou both quickly headed down the hallway to the dining hall. When we arrived, iida, the class rep was already there, along with yao-momo.

"All right everyone, the plan is to establish lunch then headed down to the beach. Once at the beach, feel free to do whatever, but don't break the rules. We will come back at 8pm"

After iida finished talking, I walked off to eat, once done, I left crimson with mom and put my swim trunks on.

When I arrived at the beach, I dove straight into the water. "Hey kirishimas, do you wanna play volleyball with us!" Mina yelled. We were playing for a while when denki had fallen asleep on a lawn chair. Mina walked over to him and pulled out a sharpie with a smirk. She wrote the words 'short circuit' on his forehead. The volleyball game was already over so I decided to swim in the ocean.

I dove down, collecting sea shells to sell later for some extra cash. I do on had a basket full of them, so I decided to go surfing. When I walked into the resort, iida was standing in the lobby with a clipboard. "Oh kirishima, right on time, the rest are eating dinner. "

After I finished eating, Mr aizawa  made an announcement. "Alright, so there will be a horror movie playing down at the pool in a minute, so if you want you can go there, or to the beach, but be back at the resort by 10 o'clock."

I was headed to my bedroom to grab my surf board when someone came up and said "Hey shitty hair, where are you going"  I turned around, it was  bakugou.

"Oh hey bakubro, I was grabbing my surf board and was planning to head to the beach" I replied. "So you're chickening out on 'the conjuring'" He said with an evil smirk. "No, " I yelled, getting flustered with a blush threatening to creep up my face. "Yeah sure" With that he walked off. I wanted to  prove bakugou wrong so I watched the movie with him.

Let's just say, I had a hard time getting to sleep.

A/n hey guys, so I finally got another chapter up. School has kept me and Sara busy and she's in high school and had a lot of after school activities for theatre and we couldn't Wright it quickly, hopefully we can get it done quicker though.

I really like the way the progress of the story is going even though we just started. I hope you enjoy it as much as me. I put so much of my time and effort into this story so please vote, and follow me. It is greatly appreciated. Everytime I get a new follower or vote, I get so excited that people like the content I'm posting.

Please tell me any feedback you have on this story or any of my others.

Until next time..

🏳‍🌈 Arson 🔥

Edit: I am now writing this all on my own with no coauthor so please help me out with any feedback you have for my story
Edit: even though I wrote basically the rest of this on my own, you should follow TineyTara who helped and came up with the idea

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