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The two gays board the plane together

They sat in two seats together, getting comfortable for their long flight ahead of them to (in my opinion) the best place in northwestern America, Colorado.

They saw this one lady with a huge tablet that looked like a flat screen tv sit next to some girl, and sit right in the middle seat. (Ok I'm adding this cause this happened to my friend, she was on a plane when that girl with a flat screen tv taller than her sat next to her and she watched a sex scene on American Horror Story in front ofy friend on her huge tablet, my friend actually got hit in the face with the huge tablet, it's a long story.)

The two gay boys fell asleep because that flight is long as fuck.

When they got to Colorado, they were at the Denver airport.

(Fun fact there is a blue horse statue in front of that airport and at night, it's eyes glow red. Really interesting)

They wander around the huge ass airport until they find the baggage claim.

It was pretty far away, the airport was huge and crowded

They collect their bags and leave.

They take a shuttle to the front (like I said, huge airport)

Then they get in a taxi, drove out the entrance and saw this creepy blue horse statue with glowing red eyes.

Wow, so this was the mile high city, Denver Colorado

They had to drive 2 hours to get to Colorado Springs, but it was worth it

They drove past this amusement park called Elich Gardens or Eliches for short. They planned on going there later.

They pass the Bronco stadium, which was they're football team.

The stadium was huge and silver with a huge Bronco on it.
After a while, they made it to the city called Colorado Springs

They were going to stay in a hotel called westin for now.

They rented a car and Went to explore the city around them, starting downtown.

They went to this place called the skirted heifer (highly recommend btw) guy fieri went there. There's only one in the world. It's an amazing burger place and it was in the show called drive in and dives (I think that's what the show is called)

It had the best burgers, covered in cheese

Bakugou ordered the Pueblo pepper cheese burger, kirishima got the same.

Best burgers they've ever tried

(I swear that place smacks 10/10 right there)

They started to go into the less urban areas and to the neighborhoods.

They passed by some schools, just exploring.

"Katsuki, come on, get out of the car for a second, let's stop here" Kirishima points at an elementary school

"Let's play at the park!" Kirishima suggested

"Wtf (O_o)?? Fine"

They park at the school, called French elementary school
(The school I grew up going to btw. Don't stalk my hometown tho)

They sit on the swings

Kirishima runs on top of the monkey bars.
(Ok so it's this really tall circle thing
There are five ways to get on top all in a circle monkey bars on top. Some girl fell off and broke her arm)

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