17. uh oh, he messed up.

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Bakugou pov

Eijiro looked... Oddly.. Hot when he looked emo. After truth or dare, everyone started to do their own thing. I took kirishima back to our room. Well probably be interrupted in a couple minutes by our classmates.

We sat on my bed.

"Oh god eijiro you're a hot emo." I bit my lip, that made him blush. "You just don't act the part"

"Do you want me to" He asked almost challenging.

"Yes, just don't kill me"

"Why would i? "

"You'll give me a heart attack"

"Okay" He bit his lip.

He got up. His face changed, he looked lustful now. He sat on my lap and straddled me like I did to him earlier. This was totally hot. I felt like I was gonna explode.

He grabbed my face with both hands and just stared for a minute. I was sitting there, anticipation of him leaning in building up. Eventually he slammed his face into mine and immediately turned it into a hot make out session. Who knew, eijiro might be a top, if he was with someone else. No way I was gonna let him top any other time than, this.

He eventually pulled away, breathing heavily, he leaned toward my neck and licked it.

"Mmm" That feels so good. He started sucking on my neck and made a hickey. I didn't care if other people would see it, cause there's no way I'm stopping eijiro, he's just too... Too hot.

It was just my neck, but it feels so good, I wonder how good he would feel... No katsuki, get those thoughts out of your head.
(No, keep those pervy thoughts bakuhoe)

Eijiro pulled away, a new hickey formed on my neck by him. He was out of breath.

I smirked and tackled him so his back was on the mattress. "Oh god eijiro, you're too hot, I never wanted you to stop"

He smirked. "Me neither bakubabe" He winked. I knew my cheeks were flushed red.

I leaned down and just layed with him for a while, until hagakure came in.

"Okay lovebirds, stop fucking for a minute so we can watch a movie, we're watching Titanic"

"Oh that's a good, movie, well be out in a minute" Eijiro said.

"Let's get this makeup off" He said. We went to the bathroom to wash off all his emo makeup.

We went out to the living room to see they had the movie set up with popcorn for everyone. We sat on a couch together and got ready for the movie and draped a blanket over us both.

We watched the movie and eventually he layed his head on my shoulder. I leaned into his head and just enjoyed the cheesy movie.

When it was over, most of the class was asleep. I decided to sleep leaned against eijiro.

~~tïmê $k¡¶~~

Today was the last day and we spent most of the day packing our stuff up. We will be getting in the bus in a couple minutes.

°eijiro pov°

We were on the bus and I had a window seat next to bakugou. This was actually a comfortable bus, not a regular school bus. It was a charter bus and let me say, these things are fancy. They even have bathrooms in the back. Me and bakugou had seats closest to the back, everyone else was farther forward. I fell asleep sometime and didn't notice until I woke up leaning on katsuki.

"I have to use the bathroom" I told him so he would know that I'm getting up. I Stood up and the bus hit a bump, I fell on top of katsuki. My elbow was on his 'you know what'
(Yes we all know my dear child)
Stop it author-chan!

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