10. Truth or dare

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Kirishima pov

I was laying on my bed when a knock on the door distracted me.

I answered it and it was kaminari
(My child!) "Hey kirishima, everyone is going to hang out in the living room, like a slumber party. Would you and bakugou like to come? " I thought for a minute. Would bakugou want to hang out with his class? " I don't know about bakugou, I'll ask him. I'll go though" I replied "great see ya there" Kaminari walked away, waving.

"What was that about" Bakugou asked
"Kaminari was wondering if we would go to a party their hosting in the living room"

"I guess I'll go" Bakugou said.

Kaminari and sero walked up to me as soon as I got in the door.
"Hey man can we talk? " Kaminari asked
"Sure" We walked away from bakugou

"I know you like him"

"What! Hoe did you know!? " I didn't think it was so obvious. "

"Bro, you always stare at him, and you're in luck cause he's totally head over heels for you"

What! There's nothing way that bakugou could like him.

" I don't believe you"

"Bro, he is only nice to you. He only says yes to an event if you're going, he acts different to us than to you. "

I can't believe this, does he really treat me differently then the rest of his friends. I've never noticed that.
I thought he treats us all like that.

Now that I think about it, he always glares at them and almost never talks to them directly. He usually just talks to me.

My eyes widened. "Hey kirishima, we're gonna start playing games! " Mina came running to me.

We all sat in a circle. Bakugou was next to me, like really close to me. I could feel his body heat. And he smells like caremel. What shampoo does he use?

Mina got out an empty bottle and... Shot glasses..? Then one full bottle of something. Was that alcohol?

"We're making it risky, if you don't want to say the truth or do the date, just take a shot" Kaminari said. Of course he would be in on this. Well there's no turning back now.

"Alright I'll start, truth or dare~... Sero!" Kaminari said.

"Dare!" Sero replied.

"I dare you to hang on the roof like spider man! " Kaminari basically yelled.

Sero shot tape toward the ceiling and hung there like spider man. Everyone was laughing like it was the funniest thing ever.

"Alright truth or dare Mina" Sero said.


"I dare you to tell us you're sexuality"

"I am a lesbian, now kirishima truth or dare" Mina said.

I dont want to do a dare, so "truth"

"Ooh risky, do you have a crush on somebody in this room" Mina said.

I started to blush and not make eye contact with anyone. "Y-yes" I replied quietly.

"Alright then truth or dare... "

(Time skip)

"Truth or dare bakugou" Mina said.

"Dare, whatever"

"I dare you to tell you who your crush is"

Bakugou took a shot of the alcohol. This was his fifteenth shot, any more and I'm afraid he'll get too drunk. He looks unaffected so far. I'm worried about him.

(Another time skip)

"Truth or dare uraraka"

"I'll take a dare" She replied

"Alright I dare you to sit in kirishimas lap" I was surprised. She walked over and plopped onto my lap. I look over at bakugou and he is staring at her, he kinda looks jealous. Does he like uraraka?

A/N my god, I'm so sorry I wasn't able to update this, I have been do busy and I'm going through a lot, hopefully the next chapter will be up soon, I have to think of what to do next, if you have any ideas then please tell me in the comments

Until next time


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