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A year went by quickly with almost no drama, just a normal college life.

Bakugou was, planning on proposing after all this time, but it needed to be perfect so kirishima didn't run off again.

He was planning on taking him to America. Mcr was doing more concerts so they were going to denver.

Bakugou had the plane tickets, the band tickets, everything.

This time, it was just them.

They were going to stay in a hotel in Colorado Springs, 2 hours away from denver.
(My hometown)

The plane leaves today

Bakugou and Kirishima get on the plane together.

Bakugou sits by the window, Kirishima by the aisle

This was gonna be a fun trip

Hey guys, sorry for the really short chapter, but I have been doing horrible lately, my life is shit,
But if your interested, I wrote a song

Idk what to do with it, I wanna put it online, but I don't have the courage to do that

Bye bye

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