42. meeting the band

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Hey guys if I could have your attention for just a second, I want to do a yandere fan fiction, but I don't know what ship, so I need ideas of who could be yandere for who
Thank you
Enjoy the rest of this story, it'll be over soon

After the concert, the couple got to go backstage and meet everyone

Gerard Way, Mikey Way, frank Iero, and Ray Toro

They were so excited to meet the people from his favorite band

But kirishima didn't like using his fame to do stuff, the only reason they get to do that is because of the news crew that told Ray Toro that he was there, and engaged.

"So, you guys are from Japan?" Ray asked

(IT'S FROM JAPAAAAN!if u get the reference then I love you)
(Oh and "I'm like, totally bi!" Rich is best boi)

"Yeah, haha we are, bakugou doesn't speak fluent English yet, but he understands most of it, I've learned as a kid so I've spoken English for a couple years" Kirishima replies

"We went to Japan on our tour, a couple months ago" Frank says

"Yeah, we had school to attend to, so we couldn't make it, but I can't believe we actually get to meet you! Bakugou is a huge fan, and has been for a while, he's the one who made me listen to your music"

"I can talk for myself eijiro" Bakugou spoke up

"You guys argue like your already a married couple haha" Ray says

(I don't really know how to put anyone's personality into writing for some reason, it seems weird because they're actual people, I hope this is good enough. I want it to be realistic,but don't at the same time)
(Edit: I actually know their personalities now and this was so cringe I had to rewrite it, like how the fuck did I think that Mikey would smile?)

"He's always been like this, since we were in high school" Kiri explains

They talked about a lot of stuff and even posted some stuff on social media, everyone was freaking out because it's amazing

Soon, the couple had to go, and they left, saying goodbye to their favorite band

"Oh my god kat! That was so awesome!" Kiri was basically in excited tears (ಥ͜ʖಥ)

"Haha, I've been a fan much longer than you, you fake"

"It's not my fault I had a horrible taste in music before I met you" Kirishima smiles, and kisses bakugou

Bakugou smiles into the kiss, pulling kirishima in

"I love you katuki" Kirishima whispers, putting his hands in his hair

"I love you to death eijiro" Bakugou whispers back, kissing him again tenderly
"I love you more than I love my chemical romance, and that's saying something" Bakugou added on

Kirishima laughed a little
"Well I love you more than I care about being manly"

"Oh really, are you sure, 'Mr manly man?" Bakugou teased


"Then prove it, stop being manly for the rest of the day"

"👁👄👁 what?"

"You heard me, kirishima, one day, no manliness" Bakugou smiles

"Fine then" Kirishima finds a convenient dress, totally not placed by author chan

"What the fuck is this!?"

"Kirishima! I didn't know you could curse!" Bakugou says

"Oh, um I was just surprised. Okay, I guess I'll put on this dress" Kirishima says awkwardly

(What am I doing?)

Kirishima walks out, pulling off the dress perfectly, other than his spiked up hair

"Come on, ei, let's wash out the hair gell, that's part of the deal" Bakugou ushers him into the bathroom

They wash out the gell, leaving kirishimas hair down

"This isn't manly at all" Kirishima whines

"Well, you want to prove a point or not?" Bakugou asked

"Ugh fine, I'll do this, only for one day"

Bakugou decided to bring him to the zoo

It's called the cheyanne mountain zoo

In the front, there's huge gates, you go up, pay to get in, and you can get a few tokens, when you walk in, you use the tokens for some kid animal thing I forgot, I haven't been there in a while

The pair walks through the zoo, taking a right, across a bridge and saw elephants on the left, warthogs on the right

They kept walking and went to feed the giraffes

They bought some lettuce and handed them to the long necked creatures

"Aww look at the baby one down there!" Kirishima points down to a really small giraffe 🦒

Their day went by really fun, except for the fact kirishima looks like a girl

They went back to their hotel room

"Haha, that wasn't that bad!" Kirishima laughed

"Yeah, except people thought I was a straight boy, or some shit"

"So you made me do that and now you regret it?" Kirishima asked

"No" Bakugou smirked "your cute lik this" He walked up to kirishima and, pulled him into a kiss

Kirishima pushed bakugou onto their bed, and layed next to him

"I love you katsuki"

"I love you too, idiot"

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