38. i can't help falling in love with you

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(Bakugou pov)

Kirishima needed to be alright.

I loved him. I don't wanna admit it, but I can't let him go no matter what happens.

"Please be okay... I love you kirishima" I whispered.

His hand flinched, then grasped my hand.

I jumped up, but he was still asleep.

I smiled.

"Hopefully you'll wake up soon. I won't leave your side until you do"

A couple more days passed. School was getting closer.

Only one week until the break is over. He would hate to miss school.

"School starts back soon, I know how much you'll hate it If you missed it"

Kirishima flinched. But obviously was unconscious.

Maybe he could hear.

We'll never know.

"Please wake up soon, I'm sorry for being so horrible. I'm sorry. I love you" I said again.

The intro 'peace sign' started playing

I was crying. I started to hug kirishima.

"I love you, please wake up"

Then I felt arms around me.

"I love you too"

I smiled.

"Youre okay!"

"Yeah, I am... My leg hurts though. How long have I been out?"

"A couple weeks, break Is almost over"

"Why are you here? I thought you decided to stay at school"

"I did, then I saw the shark attack on TV and got worried"

Kirishima smiled.

"So you DO like me"

"I guess I do"

The doctor and nurse walked in.

"Oh, your up now" The nurse said.

"We're gonna have to keep you here for a couple days before we discharge you" The doctor said to kirishima.

I left and went to tell the other extras that kirishima was fine.

They were hanging out at the beach.

"Bakugou! What are you doing here... You look horrible" Pinky said.

"Fuck off. I just wanted to tell you that shitty hair is up"

I walked away as everyone screamed and mobbed toward the hospital.

I don't know where I was going... Anywhere other than the hospital.

I sat down on the beach, and pulled out my phone.

I fell asleep soon, because of the lack of sleep.

I woke up by someone shaking me.

It was jirou.

"Bakugou, it's getting dark. Do you have a place to stay?" She asked.

"No, I've been in the hospital with shitty hair"

"You can stay in the room I'm renting"


We walked to a hotel, there were two beds in the room.



Waves of love (kiribaku no quirk au)Where stories live. Discover now