35. closet

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Everything was going good for everyone in the bakusquad. That's what everyone thought at least.

Something was gonna happen with both bakugou and kirishima.

Damn Americans.
(I'm American and I'm offended, bakugou)

Axel and Riku were getting along with everyone except bakugou.

Bakugou, as usual was an angry Pomeranian.

Axel didn't like how bakugou had been acting.

"You know what, not cool man! Why are you always like this?" Axel asked when bakugou ignored him again.

"Things and stuff" Bakugou replied.

"What the fuck man, you just don't like anyone other than your girlfriend" At that, Bakugou jumped up away from his book and punched Axel in the face.

"What the hell! What was that for!?" He yelled.

"Being a bitch"

Bakugou went back to reading his book 📚 📖

Axel didn't like bakugou and he was gonna do something about it.


Riku and Kirishima got along quite well.

"So, kiri. Do you like anyone in the bakusquad?" Riku asked.

"Yeah, but they hate me, and they're dating someone" Kirishima replied.

"Oh, that's sad"

"We dated for a while, our entire high school life, we just recently broke up"

"Oh, that's gotta sting man"

"It's fine bro"

The next day, the bakusquad was hanging out, bakugou wasn't there.

Axel showed up.

"Guys! Bakugou was trying to get with me! Isn't he dating uraraka!?" Axel basically yelled.

"What happened!?"

"Well, he just went up to me, pinned me down and tried to do stuff!" He said.

"He would never!" Uraraka and Kirishima said in sinc"

Kirishima looked away, embarrassed from talking about bakugou.

"Well he did!"

"I can't believe this!" Mina and hagakure yelled.

"What's all this commotion!" Bakugou trudged out, oblivious to what was happening.

"I can't believe you bakugou! I thought you were a good person!" Uraraka smacked his face, crying.

Bakugou looked really confused.

"Wha-" Bakugou got cut off.

"Don't try to act oblivious! You know what you did you cheating bastard!" Uraraka ran out.

"What the hell man" Kaminari and shinsou left.

"I can't believe you" Riku and Axel walked out.

"Not cool" Kirishima left, he didn't even say bro. That's his thing.

"I don't believe this" Hagakure said. "We've known bakugou since high school, he would never do that, he's never even done that to, kiri or uraraka. Something is suspicious"

"I agree" Mina said.

"Guys, I didn't do anything, I swear" Bakugou said, completely serious. He didn't even curse. He means business.

"We need to see what actually happens in your dorm, can I hide and spy on you guys?" Hagakure asked.

"Yeah, your good at staying hidden so good luck, I'll help you hide" Bakugou led her to his room.

She hide in the closet, looking through the blinds.

Axel walked in.

Hagakure started recording.

"HAHA now what are you gonna do! All your friends hate you!" He walked up to bakugou and grabbed his chin.

"Don't touch me extra"

"Oh, you still have the audacity to call me an extra even after all your friends and your girlfriend are gone! HAHAHA"

"I don't need friends, the only reason I'm with those people is because of shitty hair"

"Oh and whos shitty hair and what did he do?"

"None of your business, dumbfuck"

"You know, by now, the entire school has probably heard my lie, you'll never have friends"

"Never will anyway bitch take that" Bakugou retorted.

"You'll never get a girlfriend again!"

"I'm fine with that" Bakugou was only with uraraka cause he liked making people happy, and he didn't want to upset her.

Axel pushed bakugou and left the room.

Hagakure came out of the closet
(Ha! Gay)

"Oh my god! What a bitch!" Hagakure yelled. It could probably be heard from the hall where Axel was.
"We need to tell the others!"

"Alright, let's go" Bakugou said.


Uraraka and ida were talking with the rest of the bakusquad.

"I think it would be best if I just break up with bakugou"

"Fo sho bro" Kaminari said.

I'm literally listening to the one that got away and I'm screaming
"El! El where are you!? Eleven!" Oop

"Uraraka, I don't remember if I told you this, but now I have the chance" Ida said.

"Yeah, what is it ida?" Uraraka asked.

"Well, I really like you, but since you literally just got done with a relationship, I get it If you don't but will you go out with me"

"Well, I still haven't broke up with bakugou, so how about we do that first and go from there" Uraraka said

Bakugou and hagakure walked in.

"What is he doing here?" Axel asked.

"I saw everything, confess before I show my evidence" Hagakure pulled up her phone.

"What happened?" Sero asked.

"Go on, tell everyone the truth while you have the chance"

"What do you mean? Axel and riku asked. " We didn't do anything.

Hagakure played the video.

"What the hell man!" Kaminari yelled

Riku and Axel stared at each other.

"You worked together!?" Kirishima yelled. "I thought you were cool"


"Don't bother. We showed the school board, they're changing the dorms a little. So riku doesn't bother kiri, and Axel doesn't bother bakugou, they decided to switch them around so Axel and riku will share a dorm" Hagakure said.

"Axel, kirishima, pack up your stuff and switch dorms please " Mina said.

They changed and that was that

Except, bakugou and kirishima were sharing a dorm

Alright people, sorry for not updating for so long I had some drama. I think I'll make a chapter about that If you want.

I decided to double upload to make it up to you.

I would like to get my feelings out so I'll probably make a rant chapter

I'll be doing a q+a so questions please

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