19. he's gone

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𝓚𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓶𝓪 𝓹𝓸𝓿

Me and bakugou have been toger for a little over a year. I couldn't believe it. I love him so much.

I don't know what would happen if he got taken away from me.

Over the length of time, we went into our next year of school, and got a dorm together.

Our pets are still in good working order.

I mean, sometimes his dog kaku can be a bit faulty, a couple times she walked into the walls.

Over time, bakugou became more open, he hasn't been all closed away from the world, but he was still all explosive and exotic.

Me and bakugou are hanging out on the couch, listening to music. Emo music. I mean, the music is good. There's this one song we found that is so weird. It's a mix of multiple artists songs, but different lyrics, I don't know how to explain it
(It's the song I have up above, I found it today and absolutely love it, if you like mcr, fob, p! Atd, Linkin park, ect.. Then this song is for you, very emo I really relate to this song)

Bakugou seems to really like these types of songs, it's kinda growing on me.

We were listening to the song 'helena' by mcr, when we heard a bang, at first, we thought kaku ran into the wall again, but she was laying in front of us on the floor, there was another bang, then screams from our classmates in the dorms next door. There was an attack.

Me and bakugou ran out of our dorm to see students running from someone with a gun.

We stood there frozen, then he ran to us almost in the blink of an eye, and grabbed bakugou and pointed the gun at him.

Our eyes widened, he was taken hostage, and there were no faculty nearby to help us. I didn't have a weapon, except for our pets, they Weren't allowed in dorms.

I stood there in shock, not paying attention to anything anymore. Then suddenly kaku ran and jumped and bit the criminals arm, then fell off.

I knew she was faulty. She just layed there.

"Stop, please. Why are you doing this!?" I asked the criminal.

Nobody was around to help me, he had bakugou.

Then, the criminal ran, and took bakugou away.

I tried to run for help, but when I got to a teacher, the criminal was long gone.

The criminal was wearing a mask, kinda like in the anime 'Tokyo Ghoul'
They had on full black clothing, completely covering them, their mask looked like a fox, like tannjiro's first mask in the show 'demon slayer'.

I couldn't make out what gender they were, every inch of anything was covered. I couldn't see anything.

At this point, they could be a student or a 'normal person' but have bakugou kidnapped.

Did they target katsuki specifically, or was it something else?

Where did they take him!?

𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙

Days went by, then weeks. No trace of bakugou. I was worried. If they got bakugou for revenge of something, there would be some trace, maybe he was targeted specifically.

After what felt like forever, I got a video sent to me by some unknown number. I clicked on it.

I saw bakugou, he looks horrible. He was tied to see chair, blindfolded, and gagged. His head was down. His clothes were tattered and everything was in horrible condition.

What did they do to him

"If you ever want your precious boyfriend back, forget about it, he's mine" I heard a voice. It sounds like there were voice filters put on the voice.

I showed the video to the cops and teachers.

The room looked like a traditional, unfinished basement. The scene is like the basement in 'yandere simulator'. This was probably a yandere situation.

That makes it worse, yanderes almost always covered their tracks. Their probably busy brainwashing bakugou, like yan-chan and her senpai.

I'm scared.

A/N sorry this is a short chapter, I hope you laughed at it tho. I wrote it in the middle of the night when I couldn't think in English correctly. I was also listening to emo music.

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