36. break up and confession?

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Sorry if it seems like everything is going so fast, I have plans, then I change them, then I forgot that it needs details

Ura decided that it would be best to break up with bakugou. He is loud and always seems to have some sort of drama around him.

She didn't like drama and she wanted someone more calm and collected.

Bakugou was too crazy.

So if anyone read the chapter that I recently deleted, basically that is gonna happen, but because of storyline, there will be drama. I saw a tiktok and decisions were made.

"Hey, bakugou... I have to tell you something... " Uraraka went up to him.

"Yeah, what is it?" Bakugou replied.

"Well, I um... "


"I feel like" She gestures between the two. "This... Doesn't work. I mean, your loud and dramatic and.. That's not the things I want. Your an amazing person, but this just isn't meant to be"

"I get it, I mean, I don't know what I'm looking for yet, but I just want someone who can deal with my shit and laugh it off, my life is crazy and I'm a lot to deal with" Bakugou put his hand on her shoulder. "Find someone who is right for you, find someone you love that you can deal with and be happy with all the time" He smiled, then walked away.

Kirishima was walking by through the halls, when he accidentally heard the conversation, he stood there, then bakugou saw him after walking away.

"Shitty hair, why are you here? Eavesdropping?"

"No no no! I just was walking past... I actually have something to talk about... "

"Yeah, what is it?"

"I wanna tell you in private if that's alright"

They walked to their dorm since they now share one.

"Look, bakugou. I miss you. I wanna be with you. I still love you and I can't let go. Please come back, I... Don't know what to do without you"

"Kirishima... "

"Yes bakugou... "

"I'm sorry, I can't be with you. I'm so confused about myself still and I don't wanna be jumping from one person to the next and back again. That isn't a person I want to be seen as. I don't think it's right to just jump into a relationship after a breakup twice in a row"

"Oh... I get it.. Sorry, things are gonna be awkward now."

"Look kirishima, I just... Don't know. I don't know anymore and I don't want to date you"

Their conversation was over, and kirishima walked out, holding back tears. Bakugou sadly watched him go.

Bakugou still wanted to find out himself, he hasn't found what he likes or anything since his sister died, he's been stuck in the past.

But, bakugou loved kirishima, but couldn't say it anymore.

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