8. heck

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Bakugou pov

"Yeah shitty hair, who is it? " Everyone was surprised when I said that, he slowly brought his head off the table and ran. ٩(•౪•٩)三

"What the actual fuck, STOP RUNNING SHITTY HAIR! " I got up and went after him. " It was just a question kirishima, there's no need to just sprint out of the room. You're being sketchy" He stopped.

He slowly turned to face me. "Sorry I just don't like talking about that stuff with anyone" He smiled his stupid big grin and started walking back to the cafeteria.

He's acting weird, I don't think he's telling the truth. He probably had a crush on Pikachu or one of the others, that's why he wouldn't say it. I decided to go back to my room.

(Kiri pov)

I was lucky to get away from bakugou, I didn't want to have to deal with all this right now. I go back to the cafeteria and sit back down.

"So who is you're crush, you didn't answer us" Ashido leans in so she is like an inch away. She smirks. "So you still won't talk. I think I know who it is but we'll get it out of you" She backs away from me. " So are you going to tell us" Jirou says.

"It's um... I.. " " It's okay you can tell us, we won't judge" Sero says. "Alright, it's bakugou. There I said it"

"Thanks for telling us kirishima" Jirou says. Now they're gonna get all nosy and get us together. That's gonna fail I just know it.

Sorry this is a short chapter again. I didn't get much time cause my school library got my hero academia and I've been reading it.

Tomorrow's will he longer and more interesting I swear

🏳🏳‍🌈 Arson

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