33. Americans

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I deleted the last chapter cause I got a new idea, so bakugou and uraraka are still together and they're gonna be in college now, they have dorms, but nobody is with their friends or significant other.

Kirishima pov

Finally, after a long, hard confusing summer, I was at college, the good thing was that all my friends are here too.

I walked into my new dorm room, my roommate was already there.

"Hi" I said as I walked in.

"Hi! You must be my roommate, I'm riku" (totally not another person from kingdom Hearts)

"I'm kirishima nice to meet you" I said, setting down my stuff.

"So, kirishima let's get to know each other" Riku said, I agreed and we talked.

"What do you do in your spare time?" He asked.

"I actually.. Surf" I told him.

"Oh yeah, your like that famous shark guy right?"

"Yeah, haha that's me"


We got to know each other and he seemed like a really nice guy.

Bakugou pov

I walked into my new shitty dorm room and it was empty, thank god my roommate wasn't there. I didn't want any social interaction.

Soon, he walked in.

"Hi! I'm your roommate, Axel"(totally not stealing names from kingdom Hearts for the third time...)

Third person pov

Bakugou gave a grunt, not looking up from the book he was reading.

That's kinda rude, you should at least introduce yourself" Axel said.

"Whatever, I'm bakugou, fucking happy?"

"Yeah, now I know what to call you"

Axel sat down his stuff, now in a bad mood because bakahoe is a bitch.

Eventually bakugou put down his book.

"Alright, I'm done with this shitty book, you can talk to me now" Bakugou said.


The two got to know each other more. Axel was tolerable enough for bakugou.

Bakugou got a message on his phone.

"I've gotta go" He Said

"Ooh, you got a date?"

"Precisely" Bakugou left the room.

Axel wasn't expecting bakugou to answer like that, he didn't even know someone as explosive had a date.

Bakugou went to meet up with uraraka.

"Hi kat!" She waved while running up to him and into his arms.

"Hi ochako" He responded, catching her.

"Let's go!" She started dragging him.

"Where are we going?" Bakugou asked.

"To meet up with the others!" She started running, bakugou alm fell over.

They soon made it to deku, icy hot, dunce face, emo boy, flex tape, pink face, and see through.


"Shh! There are other people staring" Hagakure whispered.

(Omg I just started rocking out to uh oh stinky)

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