9. panic!.....at the disco 🤣

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(Kirishima pov)

I walked back to my room fearful of bakugou, if he found out I like him then who knows what he'll do. Hell, he'll probably kill me.

I walk into the room and bakugou was sitting on his bed, doing something on his phone.

"Hi kirishima" Did he just say my actual name? "Hey bakugou" I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. He said my actual name, not shitty hair, or dumb hair, or anything else. He called me kiri freaking Shima.

(Bakugou pov)

"Hi kirishima" Shit I just said his name, did I just reveal to him that I like him. Shit shit shit. He was... Blushing..? Why was kirishima blushing. Either he was taken aback mye saying his name or he just got back from a date, probably the latter. He would never like someone like me. I was a piece of shit while he was perfect. I wonder who wouldn't like him. I wonder who does like him. What if... No.. Who is he with? I'll kill- no I'll leave them alone to be happy.

I don't deserve kirishima

(Kirishima pov)

Oh god. Bakugou is perfect, hes probably dating someone. I mean who wouldn't?

I'm a piece of shit, that's why he calls me shitty hair.

I don't deserve someone as perfect, that's why he doesn't like me.

I don't deserve bakugou


I'm so sorry I haven't posted
I swear I didn't die.

I've been so busy and I got grounded from my phone and couldn't type

I hope this is enough to read for now.

🏳‍🌈arson :)

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