37. time

906 39 16

Bakugou loved kirishima, but couldn't bring himself to say it anymore.

What happened?

Bakugou was done with all the drama. He hated it. He never wanted drama, but he's like a drama magnet.

It was break right now.

Kirishima was invited to another surfing competition. He invited all of his friends, it took a while since he wanted to tell them in person and some of them went to different schools.

Bakugou decided to give kirishima some space and didn't go. It had been awkward between them since bakugou turned him down.

They all stayed at a beach resort, it was a different beach, so kirishima couldn't see his parents.

The competition went as usual, people cheering, him winning. But something happened.

He was surfing, amazingly as always. He was basically the number one surfer.

Bakugou was watching on his tv.

Kiri got in an accident.

He fell off his board, and a shark attacked him, he was saved before anything bad happened, but he was asleep.

Everyone crowded around him.

There was a huge shark bite on his leg, and smaller bites in other places.

How ironic, shark got attacked by sharks.

They called an ambulance.

Bakugou regretted not going, he saw the attack, then the live tv cut off and he had no idea what was happening.

He got a bus ticket and had to sit on the bus for hours, worrying. He regretted not going. He regretted turning down kirishima and breaking up with him. He regretted everything.

When the bus finally stopped, he ran off, went all the way to that beach and to the hospital he was at.

He saw everyone in the waiting room.

"What happened!? I saw on TV"

"He's in a coma right now" A nurse came out of a room.

"What!" Most people yelled.

"Please keep it down" The receptionist said.

"Can we see him!?" They asked the Nurse.

They all ran into the room to see kirishima passed out.

Once everyone filed out, bakugou sat in a chair next to the bed.

"How is he?" Bakugou asked the doctor.

"He lost a lot of blood and his body went into lockdown. We don't know if hell make it from that leg injury"

That surprised bakugou.

"No, I'm sure he'll survive, he better survive"

Bakugou refused to leave his side so he could make sure he was okay, he couldn't lose kirishima.

He loved kirishima. He wasn't going to deny it anymore.

He couldn't leave kirishima.

He wouldn't leave the room, so nurses had to bring him meals to make sure he was alright.

Kirishima was fine, his heartbeat was going up and down, but he was still alive and breathing.

Bakugou wouldn't look away from the monitor, or his breathing.

Kirishima had to survive, he just had to.

Everything was going fine. Bakugou was worrying still. After days, nothing happened.

Would kirishima ever wake up?

Soon, bakugou would have to go back to school.

The doctor and nurses were out of the room, when kirishima flat lined.


The doctor soon ran in.

"Sir, I'm gonna need to have you leave the room"

"No! I can't!"

"If you don't leave, he might die"

Bakugou walked out as other doctors ran in.

He had no idea what was happening.

He sat down in the waiting room and fell asleep.

He hasn't gotten much sleep since the incident. He wanted to make sure kirishima was alright.

When he woke up, he saw the doctor.

"What happened!? Is he alright!?" Bakugou immediately jumped up.

"He is breathing again, but has not gained consciousness. He is still in comatose"

Bakugou ran into the room to see kirishima, he did not look peaceful at all.

This wasn't like he was asleep, he looked disturbed. But he wasn't going to wake up.

Bakugou sat next to him, and held his hand.

He layed his head on him and kirishimas hand.

"Please be okay"

Sorry for the short chapters lately, I don't want everything to happen at once.

Waves of love (kiribaku no quirk au)Where stories live. Discover now