4. being emotionless isn't manly

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(Kiri's POV)

Throughout the movie, I was terrified but I kept a straight face and acted calm so that bakugou doesn't think I'm weak. I'm not weak, I'm manly and being scared wasnt manly.

(Time skip brought to you by my loneliness)

After the movie

I was terrified by the movie and I couldn't get to sleep. I didn't know what to do and bakugou being asleep across the room doesn't help.

I decided to text Mina to see if she's still awake.


Hey mina are you still awake?


Of course ( ✧Д✧) is there anything you need my rock child?


Yeah, can we talk in the living room in a minute?


( ✧Д✧) YES!! I'll see you in a minute


I quietly try to sneak out of my room without waking bakugou or anyone else and slowly made it to the living room.

"Hey kirishima" Mina half yelled/half whispered. "Hi Mina" I replied to her.
"So what did you need? " She asked me.

"I can't sleep. I know it's not very manly, but I'm scared." I admitted to her. "It's not manly to be emotionless, I think you're really manly kirishima"

"Thank you Mina" I said. I think talking to her calmede down so that I can sleep well tonight. "I'm going to try to sleep now" I said to her"

"Okay bye" She waved at me and walked into the opposite direction. I got to my room and fell asleep almost immediately.


Why, cello there

Hello my potatoes. What do you think of this so far?

I think I'm doing quite good on my own. Sorry for any typing mistakes, I'm typing on my phone and I recently got my nails done for my brothers wedding so I'm still getting used to typing like this.

Do you have any anime or tv show reccomendations for me? I'm running out of stuff to watch.

Until next time,

🏳‍🌈 Arson 🔥

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