18. well then... ⚠⚠⚠

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Kirishima POV

I woke up in Kat's arms.
"Good morning" I said and got up.

"Mm five more minutes"

"We've been here for an hour"

He got up and we went to the kitchen to see mitsuki cooking waffles. She handed us some and we started eating.

"How was you're night? Did you guys do anything? " She asked.

"Fuck not" Katsuki answered.

(Oh my, the song bakugou by Kamil started playing on Spotify)

"Aaalllright then" Mitsuki said.

Me and katsuki had decided to spend the day out in the town while summer was still here.

We walked hand in hand through the city.

"Ew, get a room, I have my son here"
We heard someone say.
(I'm basing this off a book I've read called what if its us, it's amazing and this part was so sad it made me cry)

"Excuse me, but I'm not even doing anything sir and in cities like this this should be normal, so how about you and your homophobia gets a room, you got your son here, well I feel bad for him" Katsuki said.

(This is what I wanted to put
"Get a room I got my son here"
How about you get a room, I got my gay here)

The man and his son stomped off. I was crying, I've never dealt with homophobia, I guess katsuki has, he seemed to know what to say. I didn't know how to handle it.

"Hey, you okay eijiro" We sat down in a bench.

"I've never dealt with a homophobic person" I admitted.

"It's okay, it happens"

"But this is a big city, this shouldn't happen"

"I know"

"I thought the world was supportive, this is 2019,i thought people evolved" I was still crying.
It seemed like katsuki didn't know how you handle it.

"I'm sorry katsuki" I got up and ran away.

(Boi why do you run so much!)

He tried to Chase after me, but ran out of breath and called my phone multiple times. I didn't answer.

I just can't handle a boyfriend if I'm gonna constantly get called out and yelled at for liking a guy.

I got home and face planted into my bed.

(Timevskiopppppfjfhshvh) yeeYEE

I heard a knock at my apartment door. I answered it and it was katsuki.

"How did you find me?"

"I just asked your parents, while we were staying at the resort, they gave us their number for an emergency"

"Oh, okay"

"Can I come in?"

"I don't know" I looked down at my feet.

He grabbed my face and made me look at him. "Eijiro kirishima, having a boyfriend means you're gonna have to deal without homophobia, eventually, you learn to ignore it"

"So you can't just run away from me when only one person makes remarks, I've dealt with people crowding around me and bullying me for it, that's how I became how I am now"

"I'm sorry katsuki" I started crying again and collapsed into his body.

He picked me up and put me on my bed next to him. He layed down and just cuddled me for a while.

Waves of love (kiribaku no quirk au)Where stories live. Discover now