39. why does mina keep playing truth or dare its getting boring™

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I feel like the title of this would be a fall out boy song title®

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Finally kirishima was I were back together.

J hadn't realized how much I missed him until he was in the hospital.

It's weird how you can easily just forget how much a person means to you until they're gone.

Now we're back. Back again
(Anyone get the reference, no. I'll leave)

Me and kirishima were laying together, binge watching black butler.

We were on season 2, it was hard to find since it wasn't on Netflix, but we found all the seasons on a website called Watchcartoonsonline.tv

It's free.

There's also a really good free app called

Anime Hd

(Not sponsored)

Me and shitty hair watched it for about an hour

Then dollar store Pikachu burst in

"HEY GUY-s....um.your back together now? "

"Yeah, haha" Kirishima Said.

"Well, since you guys ditched yesterday, we were wondering if we could all do another sleepover tonight at minas"

'Sure! Well be there and we won't run off" Kirishima said

Pikachu left, and we kept watching anime until around 6 O'clock

Seriously, alien fuck keeps playing the same games and it gets fucking boring. It's cleche as fuck

When the time came, we went to her dorm again

"Soo, what happened yesterday?" Pinky immediately said as we entered.

"Nothing bitch" I said. We sat do and started the boring af game... Again

It was truth or dare. Again

"Truth or dare todoroki?" Sero asked

"Dare" He mumbled quiet as fuck

"I dare you to kiss whoever your dating"

He kissed fucking deku.

Everyone was kinda surprised. It was obvious af that they have been together way longer than even me and shitty hair, they've been dating Since before the school trip our first year of high school.

Anyway... The game went on Long as fuck but nobody knew me and kirishima were back together until

"Truth or dare kirishima" Hagakure said


"I dare you to make out with the hottest person in the room and whoever backs out first loses"

Ooh this is going to get spicy

(Third person pov)

Kirishima tackled, bakugou to the floor and started making out with him, everyone was freaking out

Kirishima was kissing bakugou, I thought they broke up forever ago.
People were saying and thinking

It went on for a while until hagakure pulled them away

"Okay you both win now"

They continued to play until, bakugou got a dare to.. You guessed it, seven minutes in heaven

They went into the closet, didn't this happen last chapter?

"Bakugou, I don't know much of your past relationships, you never really share things about yourself"

"It doesn't matter, kirishima"

"But you know everything about me, I want to know about you"

"Fine, I've been in, relationships before, but they hated me because of my attitude after kairi died

" Oh"

"It's really not add interesting as your life"

Bakugou pinned kirishima to the wall

"Anyways, I'd rather be doing this"

Yes, kiribottom for the win
He loves manly people, which means he's a bottom confirmed

Bakugou leaned in and kissed him aggressively, sliding his tongue into the others mouth

This is spicier than when they made out I'm front of everyone else.

Bakugou put his forehead on kirishimas

"I missed that" Kirishima whispered

"Me too"

And that's when the others broke in, and pulled them out of the closet.

They decided to go to sleep and get their beauty sleep (-_-)zzz

Sorry it's a short chapter again, I have no more ideas so I think I might end it soon unless you guys have any ideas

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