chapter one

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"i eat my carrots and i grow up strong!"

a little boy nibbled on a carrot happily, singing and humming a random tune to himself. his smile stretched wide as he held up his maincourse in his small hand. "potato?"

the kid, whose name is jungwoo as we all know by now, swung his legs happily on his bench seat alone on the playground. he didn't mind eating alone. he had his mind to think and imagine. with a brain, jungwoo could never be alone because of his huge imagination. he had a group of imaginary friends even, including his imaginary older brother taemin. the cute child was never lonely, only in his own world.

what snapped him out of his world was a group of older boys heading over to his bench. he didn't notice them until they were right in front of him. he stared up at them, holding his container of mashed potatoes in hand. "hewo!" the innocent jungwoo grinned.

"oh man, this one's easy!" one of the boys announced, smirking as he stepped closer to jungwoo. he had something about the way he held himself that made jungwoo scoot back in his bench until his back hit the backrest.

"you're right." a second boy laughed. "he's too dumb!" as he said this, he smacked jungwoo's lunchbox on the ground. a third kid kicked it, giggling in glee as it was dented and was yeeted away from them.

poor jungwoo looked like he was about to cry. shaking, the timid boy stood up and did his best to puff out his chest.


the other boys laughed at him as jungwoo stared up defiantly at them. the first boy roughly shoved him and jungwoo stumbled back. "see you later, flowerboy!" the second boy shouted as they ran away. just as the bell rang.

jungwoo sat on the ground alone. no one was there to stand up for him. no one was there to be his friend.


this is my first story so i know it's gonna be crap-

longer chapters coming soon :D

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