chapter seven

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jungwoo was heartbroken. but he was pissed. how the hell did he end up as his old childhood best friend's roommate years later. lucas leaving him alone without telling him was honestly still an open wound. like, if someone talked about it, jungwoo would remember, but he wouldn't cry over it like he did today.

"please doyoungie!"

"no jungwoo. i don't want a depressed drunk running around the dorm." doyoung argued.

"it will only be like, one glass!" jungwoo just wanted a drink from the bar.

"you're underage, jungwoo." doyoung shook his head.

"everyone does it, doyoungie." jungwoo protested as he pouted on the sofa. "ask one of the high schoolers living in the dorms and they'll tell you they've gotten drunk!"

doyoung gasped. "the fetuses? jungwoo, they're too innocent and precious to do that!"

"i was a fetus." jungwoo sniffed. "i-i was so innocent and happy then stupid lucas left and ruined it!" he glared a hole through the wall as he said the last part.

"jungwoo, that was long ago-"

"it hurt! i still am a little hurt, just a bit more angry now!" jungwoo sighed, shaking his head. "i really had a hard time through life after he left me and you met me. i got bullied and even though i was young, i was thinking of... thinking of hurting myself or dying."

there was a pause. "good thing you didn't, woo." doyoung gave jungwoo a gentle pat on the head. "and good thing you're not getting drunk. you're staying with me tonight."

"okay doyoungie." jungwoo said quietly.

lucas woke up with the sun shining in his eyes and quiet. a little too quiet...

"wait, where the hell is jungwoo?" lucas looked around, seeing the dorm completely was completely empty.

after jungwoo introduced himself, lucas knew it was him. little kim jungwoo, his first best friend and childhood crush. it was scary thinking they were going to the same college and ended up as roommates, but it was a small fanfiction world where anything could happen. lucas still felt bad that he had left jungwoo all those years ago.

but he had to.

now, he had to admit, jungwoo barely changed. he was still soft spoken but with a hidden sprinkle of spice. and another thing was, he was pretty. and cute. and soft. and just plain uwu.

wait, lucas is rambling. the author can't keep up. help.

lucas knew jungwoo was affected by him leaving. they were best friends, who wouldn't be? lucas had been affected too... he wasn't heartless. but it happened so long ago lucas hadn't thought jungwoo would be still that affected. but lucas understood everyone was different, so he'd respect whatever the hell jungwoo still thought of him, even if the uwu thought of him as a douche.

lucas, snapping out of his reverie, threw on a random hoodie and some shorts. he was pretty much concerned about jungwoo, that kid was probably way too and innocent to be alone for one minute. he walked out of his dorm and nearly got run over by a tan boy screeching while running with another boy following him.

"mARK-" the tanned one squeaked as the other boy caught him, holding him in his arms.

"okay, okay, don't leave your dirty clothes on the ground next time." mark gently kissed the tanned boy's forehead. "i don't like picking everything up, hyuck." the boy called hyuck buried his head in mark's neck, clinging to him like a baby while whining about something. only then did mark stop admiring the boy in his arms to look at lucas, who had watched the whole scene with a look of interest.

mark pushed off donghyuck and the younger stumbled back slightly. "oof!" said donghyuck.

"oh my god... um, sorry." mark scratched the back of his neck. "i'm-"

"who're you?" donghyuck stood in front of lucas looking up at him with a curious expression.

lucas smiled kindly. "i'm wong yukhei. i live in that room right there." he pointed to his dorm room door.

"oh!" donghyuck said as he nodded. "i'm lee donghyuck. and that idiot," he pointed to mark, "is mark lee." he leaned forward, stood on his tiptoes, and whispered in lucas's ear, only for him to hear. "but he's my idiot, so he's taken."

"what'd you say to him?" asked mark jealously, who obviously hadn't heard what donghyuck had said. he crossed his arms and glared at his small boyfriend.

"i didn't say anything!" donghyuck defended himself, putting his hands in the air. when mark stood by his side, he clung onto mark again and gave his shoulder a kiss. "you're jealous?"

"no!" mark defended, glancing at lucas and offering him an apology.

"i uh... just need to know if you saw a guy walk in here... or around here, sometime last night or really early this morning." lucas questioned the two. "he's like, this tall," lucas held his hand to around his eye level. "reddish-brown hair?" he asked, thinking of what his new roommate looked like. "soft voice... cute?" lucas suggested and donghyuck 'oohed' in the background while wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"oh, that dude! yeah, he was coming from your room crying!" said mark, shrugging. "then he went to that room over there." he pointed to a room across the hall.

"and you haven't seen him since?" lucas asked, leaning forward.

"nope!" mark popped the p.

"yeah... i'd better go. thanks mark, thanks donghyuck!" he waved bye to them before he stood in front of the door mark had pointed out. he knocked two times and stood back, waiting for the door to open.

what stood in front of him was a sleepy looking jungwoo, hair messy and a blanket wrapped around his body. he let out a sleepy yawn before realizing who was in front of him. he seemed to hide in his blanket burrito even more. "what're you doing here?" jungwoo sent lucas a tired glare.

"well, you were gone, so i was wondering if you went to some bar and drank yourself to death." lucas stared at the boy.

"well, now that you're here, i really want to." jungwoo snapped.

"might as well, not like i'd care-"

"who the hell are you?"

a boy appeared behind jungwoo that had a similar appearance to a bunny. he glared at lucas. "who the fuck is this, woo?"

lucas raised his eyebrows. "and who the fuck are you-"

"please, everyone, just calm down." jungwoo murmured in a small tone. lucas and doyoung didn't seem to hear him, though.

"wait, are you his dumbass roommate?" doyoung looked pissed.

"he roomed with you last night so why'd you call yourself a dumbass?" lucas smirked.

"holy shit, i swear i'm gonna kill you-"

"pLEASE StOp!" jungwoo whined loudly. the two stopped fighting to look at the boy who was fidgeting in his blanket and eyes were wide and scared.

"i'm sorry, woo." doyoung brought jungwoo close to him. "ignore him, he probably doesn't care he just made you cry-"

"maybe i do!" lucas snapped.

"oh, did i just hear something? must've been the breeze-" and sending one last glare, doyoung slammed the door.

i felt really lonely this week lol
why don't i have friends


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