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the hallways in yukhei's company were always loud and busy; that was the one thing jungwoo hated about it. yes, he was proud and happy his husband had set up a successful business in a really short amount of time at his young age. but when jungwoo complained, he complained.

"hello, mr. wong," a man in a suit, one of yukhei's higher ranked workers, bowed to him.

jungwoo gave the man a polite head nod, the closest thing he could get to a bow with what was in his arms.

"and hello little wong." the guy even bowed to the little kid on jungwoo's hip.

the boy was shy and just hid his head in jungwoo's shoulder, which made jungwoo and the guy laugh as they say their good byes. "yoon, you don't have to be shy," jungwoo murmured as he gently caressed the toddler's back.

yoon shook his head, his floppy hair whipping with it. "no thank you."

yukhei and jungwoo's son had always been quiet and soft-spoken. at his age lots of other kids were loud and naughty, while wong yoonwoo (or better known as yoon) had always been exactly the opposite. but the toddler's quiet nature made him quite adorable, or at least jungwoo thought.

finally, jungwoo and yoon got to their destination in yukhei's busy building. yoon evened seemed to know where they were at once they got to the door and squirmed, jungwoo setting the boy on the ground. "you can knock, yoonie," said jungwoo as he gestured to the big door, yoon looking tiny in front of it.

the little boy raised his tiny knuckle and gave three knocks, and a voice called to come in. yoon began pushing at the door immediately, even though it wouldn't open, calling through the door in his tiny voice. "daddy! dada!"

jungwoo turned the knob on the door and pushed it open to see yukhei at his desk, writing something down but putting down his pen when he saw jungwoo and yoon, who had now ran towards his father with a childish look in his eyes. "daddy!" he held out his arms as if he requested to be picked up, which yukhei gladly did.

"hello, little bean." yukhei booped his nose with yoon's and the little boy giggled. yukhei walked over to jungwoo, gently giving him a peck on the cheek and yoon gagged at the sight.

"ew!" he announced. even though he was quiet around strangers, yoon was quite open and bold around his parents.

"aw, sorry yoonie," yukhei tickled the little boy's tummy and yoon happily squealed. "what did you guys bring me?" asked yukhei, gesturing to the bag jungwoo was holding.

"yummies!" yoon pointed at the bag, which jungwoo set on yukhei's desk.

"sit down, yukhei." jungwoo patted the desk's swivel chair. "take a break and eat."

yukhei frowned. "but i'm not hungry, woo, i-"

"i know you didn't eat breakfast today so we brought you mcdonald's," says jungwoo with a knowing look in his eyes.

yukhei, even as an adult, perked up. "mcdonald's?"

jungwoo smiled, pulling up a chair for himself as he plopped himself down. yukhei sat in his chair by jungwoo with yoon on his lap. "for all of us."

yoon clapped his hands as he got his happy meal. "mcdonald's! mcdonald's! mcdonald's!"

jungwoo sipped on his milkshake. "what do you say, yoonie?"

yoon clasped his hands together and closed his eyes. "amen," he said innocently.

jungwoo nearly snorted. "aren't you going to say thank you, little uwu?"

yoon looked like he was seeing the vision. "oof," he said. "thank you, mama!"

yukhei laughed as yoon nibbled on a fry. "someone needs to teach him manners, hm?" he smirked at jungwoo.

"i see where he gets it from," jungwoo shot back playfully as he handed yukhei his milkshake and the man took a sip from it.

they all finished eating together like a family. "please don't leave," yukhei pouted once they were done eating. yoon occupied with yukhei's desk's alexa, which didn't seem to be responding to his tiny voice.

jungwoo rolled his eyes and took yukhei's hand. "we wouldn't leave dada alone, would we, yoonie?" jungwoo addressed the little boy, but he was too engrossed with the alexa to respond.

he put his face close to the machine and spoke. "alexa?" when the machine didn't respond, yoon pouted. "it dead," he announced while staring up at his parents, a french fry crumb on his lip.

yukhei laughed and wiped the crumb away with his thumb. "it's unplugged, yoonie, see?" and indeed, the machine was unplugged.

"rip." was all yoon said. to the small boy, being unplugged means to be dead, i guess.

when yoon must've gotten too comfortable and fell asleep (for some reason holding the alexa in his arms), jungwoo scooter closer to yukhei and laid his head on his husband's shoulder.

"as dumb as it seems, mcdonald's will always be special," jungwoo purred when yukhei rubbed his scalp.

"because of the good fries?" asked yukhei teasingly.

"no, you dumbass..." jungwoo murmured, looking as if he could fall asleep any second as he snuggled ridiculously closer to his husband. "our first date..."

yukhei smiled gently, looking at jungwoo with love and affection. "did you think i forgot?"

jungwoo shook his head. "we still have the picture-"

"-hanging up like we said we would," yukhei finished jungwoo's sentence, kissing the older on the nose. "i love you, baby."

jungwoo gave yukhei a lazy smile and glanced down at yoon and back up at yukhei. "i love you too, yukhei."

puzzle complete.

wowie and we're done.
thank you guys for giving me so much support for my first ever book and making me a little more confident throughout writing it. since this is my first book, it'll always be really special to me and i'm sad and happy to be completing it.
i have a markhyuck book out, which i'm going to start updating more and i'm starting a shorter johnten story too. if you guys want to read those, go ahead.
once again, thanks so much, my little uwus!
also, did you guys like yoon? :3


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