chapter seventeen

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say the name
also things are gonna get spicy ;)

lucas slammed his hand against the wall, cornering the smaller boy. he panted as he stared at the boy, shifting his gaze up and down, admiring the oversized hoodie that went down to the other boy's thighs. his milky thighs were exposed and he obviously didn't have anything underneath. lucas moved his intense gaze back up to the boy's face.

beautiful, he thought as he could see the boy's soft rosy cheeks and messy hair up close now.

lucas raised his hand to the boy's cheek and cupped it, caressing it softly. he leaned in quickly to press his lips against the smaller's and heard a soft sigh escape the older's mouth. lucas licked the boy's lip, asking for an entrance and he got just what he wanted as he pressed himself against the other boy.

lucas moves his lips to the older's neck, sucking pretty marks as he moved his hips against the boy's. when the boy let out a lewd moan, lucas nearly lost it.

"jungwoo..." he breathed, nibbling on jungwoo's earlobe. "you have no idea how much i want to do this..."

and then lucas woke up in a cold sweat and a situation down there.

his eyes widened when he slowly felt his bulge and thought curse after curse. very slowly, he sat up and checked the time on his phone. 3:27 am, it read. lucas slowly laid back in bed and got into the most comfortable position he could and tried to sleep. after a while, he just ended up staring at the ceiling and remembering that dream.

holy fuck, i had a dirty dream about jungwoo.

lucas just had to have that sort of dream about him. great, and he never seemed to take any sexual interest in the older. sure, jungwoo was very pretty, lucas thought, but never would lucas think he'd imagine his roommate that way.

well, now he did and he couldn't get his dream off his head. and he liked it.

lucas sighed and slowly climbed off the bed. he tiptoed over to jungwoo's bed on the other side of the room to see if the older was sleeping. thank god, he was.

jungwoo was curled up in a ball around his blankets, clutching onto a pillow like it was a person. in his sleep the older whimpered and nuzzled his face into the pillow.

lucas, even though he still was hard, thought jungwoo looked absolutely precious. beautiful.

lucas felt his problem throb and bit his nail to keep himself from moaning out loud. he quickly waddled to the bathroom and shut the door slowly behind him.

let's just say that lucas was imagining something to do with jungwoo that we shouldn't really speak about in this christian household.

"you've been acting, like, weird lately," mark said as he handed lucas a piece of gum.

"why?" lucas took the gum. "what's this for?"

"your breath smells like shit, bro," says mark with a shrug. "and you've been acting off lately, like i can feel the tension in the air."


"sexual tension." mark smirks and lucas trips and stumbles but quickly regained his balance.

"wHaT?" lucas's voice cracks.

"i'm just kidding, dude." mark laughs. "but you've been distant. and you've been staring at kim jungwoo a lot."

"what? i have no idea what you mean!"

"dude, you practically stared at him the whole time at lunch." mark adjusts his backpack on his shoulder as they walk through the campus to their dorms after classes. "and you bought him more take out food!"

"he was craving chinese-"

"that's the fourth time this week, lucas." mark elbows lucas, a knowing look in his eyes. "lucas likey likey?"

lucas scratches the back of his neck. "mark..."

"you're not denying it!" mark snorted.

lucas stopped and took mark's arm, dragging him off the sidewalk. "look, you can't tell this to anyone." mark nodded rapidly and lucas leaned in closer to whisper to mark. "dude... i had a dream i was about to fuck jungwoo."

mark gasped audibly and let out an inhuman noise. "no fucking-"

"shut up you shit!" lucas slapped mark and the shorter let out an 'ouch!'

"did you... did you masturbate?" mark raised his seagull eyebrows.

"... you can't tell anyone-"

"and thought of him?"

"yes! but that doesn't mean i like him, does it?" lucas glanced around nervously to make sure he keeps his voice down.

"dude... i'm pretty sure that means you like him." mark thinks for a moment. "or, at least, you think he's hot. and that leads to you liking him more and then getting together and-"

"but mark... i think i do like him!" lucas made awkward hand gestures to try to kill his embarrassment.

mark's eyes widened but a cheeky grin was shown on his face.

"well, shit."

"lucas!" jungwoo raced from the dorm bedroom to the door as soon as lucas got back from his classes. he looked up with hopeful eyes at the taller.

it had been a week since lucas had that dream and told mark. and he still can't stop thinking about jungwoo. yes, he has now confirmed he may or may not have a crush on the older.

lucas's heart melted at the uwu acting so cute. "hey, uwu."

jungwoo pouted and followed lucas like a lost puppy as the taller put his backpack by his bed. jungwoo gently tapped on the younger's back tentatively.

"what is it, jungwoo?" lucas asked gently and turned around to be met with jungwoo biting his lip.

"i want cuddles." jungwoo made grabby hands at lucas. "no one's back from classes yet and i'm lonely."

lucas smiled gently, a soft look in his eyes. "you want cuddles?"

jungwoo nodded. "please?"

lucas nodded and opened his arms and jungwoo leaned into him, melting into his arms. jungwoo rested his head under lucas's chin and the younger rested his chin on jungwoo's head, closing his eyes. arms wrapped around each other, they waddled to lucas's bed, where they flopped down together and lucas pulled blankets over the two of them.

"you're sleepy?" lucas asked as jungwoo yawns. the older doesn't reply but closes his eyes. lucas takes that as a yes.

lucas presses his body closer to the older's and he can smell jungwoo's warm scent. he feels jungwoo's leg move slightly but then shift back to the position he was in. lucas seemed to know what jungwoo was thinking of doing because he then gently guides jungwoo's leg so it's wrapped around lucas's waist.

"it's okay," lucas murmured when he felt jungwoo stiffen at their new position, legs tangled together. "i don't mind."

jungwoo shyly buries his head in lucas's chest, inhaling the scent and closing his eyes. with lucas's warmth around him he feels safe and secure so he falls asleep easily.

lucas watches jungwoo fall asleep fondly. god, he was so unreal. jungwoo was absolutely delicate and beautiful. he was so soft and quiet, yet kind and gentle. at the same time, he had a simple spark to him that drew lucas in to like him.

he was so different and unique. but in his own beautiful way.

and at that moment, lucas stole a kiss on the forehead from jungwoo, resting his lips on the soft skin for what seemed like an eternity. he felt the electric spark flow through him at the simple touch.

lucas might like this new feeling of love.

i love soft romance uwu
i also love mark lee lol


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