chapter twenty-two

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"aw!" lucas cooed, running his fingertips under jungwoo's chin. "you're so cute!"

they currently sat at their normal lunch table with their friends. all of their buddies were a little shocked to see the two so close (well, not too shocked, since more than half of them knew they both liked each other).

jungwoo leaned into lucas's touch and purred. lucas kept going on and on about how uwu jungwoo was and the older surprised him by kissing him on a cheek. "please, yukhei," jungwoo murmured with affection in his voice. "you can stop now."

"holy yeollie," says yuta. "no one calls him yukhei."

"oH MY PIZZA PIE!" johnny ran up to the table, automatically dying. "MY BEAUTIFUL SHIP. LUWOO HAS SAILED, MOTHERFUCKERS!"

ten followed with a sigh yet no one could miss his affectionate glance towards johnny. "praise the lord," he said monotonously.

"luwoo?" jungwoo asked, tilting his head.

lucas wrapped his arms around the older. "that's us, my uwu," he murmured sweetly.

the table cooed and johnny collapsed, dramatically clutching his chest.

"what?" asked jungwoo, cheeks red at all the attention from the people at the table but most importantly lucas.

"it's you two!" cried renjun.

"y'all cute," said jaemin.

"are you two dating?" asked mark as him and lucas walked through the walkway, lucas with his head tilted up and looking for a fluffy brown haired uwu.

"hm? i guess so." lucas wasn't really focused on what his friend was saying.

"what do you mean? you... you asked him out, right?"

lucas shrugged. "i confessed while having a mental breakdown, yeah. then i kissed him. isn't that enough?"

mark sighed, putting his finger on the bridge of his nose and shaking his head. "i'm so disappointed in you, wong dumbass lucas. you didn't even ask him out, so you two aren't officially dating."

"but we like each other and we do everything couples do so we are a couple," says lucas.

mark smirked mischeviously. "you're just scared!"

lucas gave mark a hard shove. "no, i'm not!" he walked away in search of jungwoo but his shorter friend's words had him thinking. am i actually dating jungwoo? i mean, the feeling's mutual, right? but at the same time, lucas had never asked jungwoo the question. wait, so he wasn't dating jungwoo.

well shit.

speak of the uwu, here he came, bouncing happily towards lucas with a bright look on his face. jungwoo pushed through the crowd of people as he made his way towards lucas and when he did he hugged the younger's waist. "yukhei!"

lucas smiled and wrapped an arm around the boy who still clung onto him as they walked. "how're you, junguwu?"

jungwoo let go of lucas's waist and the younger of the two automatically connected their hands. "i just got better about ten seconds ago," said the older.

lucas felt his ears get hot. "because you're out of class?" he acted dumb.

"no, because of you, dumbass!" jungwoo giggled.

lucas and jungwoo continued walking to their dorm. "what're we doing for dinner tonight?" asked jungwoo.

"i dunno, but i think i want to go somewhere. a date?" lucas suggested with a smirk.

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