chapter two

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like life always does, it went on. jungwoo kept getting bullied by boys he now found out were two years older than him. more boys and even girls seemed to join their group so they could bully the most vulnerable kids in the school. everytime jungwoo could get away from them, he could, even if it meant hiding behind the school's trash cans.

he was still alone.

but he was five, he still had plenty of time to find friends. if he was social enough, of course. jungwoo had never been a social butterfly and he wasn't planning to be anytime soon. even with his family, he'd stay quiet. he'd never had anyone to play with since he was an only child. well, he had his dog, but he didn't count to jungwoo.

the uwu trudged inside the school, his legs practically dragging on the ground. he wasn't excited today, even if his mommy did pack him a brownie with his lunch today and his daddy dropped him off at school. he just wanted to go home and cuddle with his plushies instead of being here. he didn't want to get hurt again.

jungwoo was too nervous for lunch and break time to even pay attention to the teacher, even when she introduced some new transfer student that became one of his table mates.

"okay kiddos, eyes on me, please!" the teacher clapped her hands and did that weird creepy smile that you give little kids when you're trying to be nice to them. "today, we have a new student all the way from china!"

"what's a china?" asked one kid in the back, eyes wide.

"jaehyun, little uwu, that's a place quite far from here." the teacher replied to jaehyun.

"i went take off on a big plane!" a kid popped out from behind the teacher with a huge grin and big eyes. anyone could see his large ears poking out from his hair. one of the children screamed from seeing the new kid suddenly appear. the teacher hushed her and turned to the rest of the class smiling.

"everyone, this is our new student, wong yuk-"

"lUCAS!" the kid corrected the teacher loudly.

"yes, yes, whatever. now, lucas, there's a spot right there next to jungwoo over there you can go sit at. now as you do that, can the class take out the colored pictures of their banana they've completed?" the teacher clapped her hands as the students took out the drawings.

meanwhile, lucas sat next to the quiet looking boy next to him. he seemed like he was in a bad mood. lucas frowned, wondering why someone would be sad when they just got him as a seat mate. he didn't hesitate to tap the small boy's shoulder.

"why you sad?" asked lucas. jungwoo looked up, then looked down at his nicely colored banana and played with the hem of his shirt.

"i don't know-" he began, but was cut off by the sound of a bell ringing.

lucas thought the expression on jungwoo's face was the most scared he'd ever seen for a five year old


jungwoo was very frightened. he did not want to go to lunchtime. he did not want to sit alone. he did not want to be kicked around and bullied.

but he does want a friend.

honestly speaking, jungwoo was a little shook from his first encounter with his new seat mate. what was his name, wucas? mucas? oh yeah, it was lucas. the boy had never asked him his name. obviously that means he doesn't want to be his friend.

but he doesn't really wanna be friends with lucas. he was too loud. he reminded jungwoo of his bullies. speaking of which...

"oh, hey flowerboy!" the group walked up to him, the leader as always calling him out first. "long time no see!" all the kids laughed as the leader walked up and lifted jungwoo by the collar of his shirt as the boy rapidly shook his head, a whine coming from his throat.

"maybe we can go easy on him!" one of the kids in the back suggested. the leader holding jungwoo looked back with an expression of horror on his face.

"what are you tHINKING OF?" leader screeched, his voice raising at the end.

"i'm just kidding! let's actually hurt him this time, that'll be funny!" said the stocky boy in return. he came up and threw his hardest punch at jungwoo's face. another kid came and kicked him in the stomach, causing jungwoo to groan.

"please... stop..." whimpered jungwoo helplessly.


jungwoo's side made contact with the soft grass as we was dropped and he cried in pain. nothing happened for a few minutes. jungwoo heard grunts and the sound of knuckles making contact on jaws. he heard a few yells from some of the kids.

"pick on someone your own size! like me!" shouted a kid loudly who sounded familiar to jungwoo.

jungwoo was on the ground, curled in a ball, shaking in terror. "no... please... don't..."

a tall figure towered over him. big ears poked out from the side of his head. wide eyes peered down at him and met jungwoo's. blood was bleeding down jungwoo's hero's lip but the kid just wiped it off on his shirt.

"those kids are meanies." lucas said, crouching down.

"no wonder you were so sad with your banana drawing."

if you're still reading, good job. you gotta long ass ride ahead.

also that banana reference was just-

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