chapter eight

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"we are bringing you to the principal and telling him to change your roommate!"

doyoung dragged jungwoo through the campus, the latter reluctantly following. after the first day of classes and a lot of thinking doyoung had decided for his friend that he needed a new roommate who wasn't a douche.

"i'm fine, doyoung. i'll never see him anyway!" jungwoo shook his friend's arm.

"well, he's your roommate. that son of a bitch is the first thing you'll see when you wake up and the last thing you'll see before you go to sleep." doyoung stated. "i wouldn't wanna see that ugly ass face when i first wake up."

jungwoo couldn't help but laugh as doyoung continued. "i mean, think about it, you- you wake up and you're like 'tOdAy'S gOnNa Be A gReAt dAy!' and you see that creature and it's like, 'oh, nevermind.'"

"but his face isn't really that ugly-" jungwoo started.

"-but his insides are." doyoung cut him off.

"technically, everyone's insides are ugly because no one likes internal organs!" a short kid said as he passed them.

"we get it, ten." doyoung said as he glanced at the dude who began to walk beside them. "oh, jungwoo. this is ten, he's in one of my classes." doyoung introduced the short boy.

"as in the number?" jungwoo whispered to himself, but ten somehow overheard him.

"well, it's not my real name but i don't want anyone to know that because it's long and people mispronounce it."

"cHITTAPHRR PORN WHATEVER!" a deep voice shouted behind them and the group turned to see a tall guy matching the voice perfectly.

"oh god save me." ten mumbled but there was a visible blush on his face.

"jesus, you're fast for being so short." the guy panted as they caught up to the group. ten sent eye daggers into the new guy's direction and slapped him hard on the arm as the tall guy yelped.

"this dumbass is johnny." ten said and grabbed johnny's leg as he attempted to pull him away. "i'll save you two from embarrassment and get him out of here as soon as possible." he began to drag johnny, mumbling about how fat the tall boy was. as soon as ten dragged johnny alongside him down a seperate path from doyoung and jungwoo, jungwoo could see how ten was suddenly lifted up by johnny like a pillow as he screeched.

"pUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT YOU HOT IMBECILE!" ten's fading voice could be heard as the couple got farther away.

"... they were cute!" jungwoo uwued.

"i'm sorry, mr. doyoung. i'm afraid mr. kim jungwoo can't have a dorm switch."

"you're kidding me! c'mon, something could obviously happen-"

"mr. doyoung, the semester has already started." the principal said as kindly as possible but he honestly couldn't give a shit about whatever this was.

"jungwoo can room with me and moon taeil, isn't that possible?" doyoung begged for his friend, who was too shy and quiet to saw anything.

"three people can't be to a room, mr. kim." the principal rubbed his temples. kids these days, coming to his office and sitting on his expensive designer chairs for weird reasons. "we only have one exception for a three person relationship in room 123."

"tHaT's No FaIr!" doyoung whined.

"well, it is unless you, mr. moon, and mr. kim jungwoo are in some sort of relationship." the principal raised his eyebrows.

"ew! i don't like doyoung! he's gross and gay!" jungwoo finally spoke up.

doyoung pulled an uno reverse card out of his pocket, holding it up. "no you."

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