chapter twenty

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"excuse me." the woman walked up to the tan boy who was walking down the hallway while singing a tune. her high heels made a clacking sound against the tile floor as she walked with her chin held high and her back straight, serving a professional look. "could you please tell me where dorm 127 is?"

donghyuck gave her a suspicious look. "why do you need to know?" he asked, not even caring about the look she was giving him.

the lady bit her lip. "i just do. i need to see someone there."

"oh?" donghyuck was still apprehensive. "who?"

"wong yukhei," said the lady. "my son."

"mark!" donghyuck practically busted down their shared dorm's door. "sTrAnGeR dAnGeR!"

mark scrambled up from where he sat on the couch. "hm?"

"there's a creepy lady in the hallway!" donghyuck didn't lower his voice. "she wants into a dorm!"

mark shushed the boy and gently took his hand as he remained calm. wow, he's such a responsible adult. "what dorm, hyuckie?"

"she wants to break into the luwoo dorm," said donghyuck. "we have a code uwu on our hands, markie, this is not a time to be calm!"

mark patted the boy's head. "i'll deal with her, baby sun. just stay behind me." mark walked out of the dorm with an overenergetic donghyuck behind him. the lady in heels stood outside, looking disturbed as she had heard everything donghyuck had said in the dorm.

"i just need to go to dorm 127, gentlemen," she said and donghyuck snorted.

"dorm 127?" mark questioned.

"i said to the loud one earlier, i need to see my son wong yukhei," the mother of lucas said.

mark raised his seagull eyebrows. "lucas?"

lucas's mother scoffed. "i see he hasn't dropped that nickname."

"i see you haven't dropped your attitude!" donghyuck spat from behind mark.

mark squeezed donghyuck's hand. "calm down, baby sun," he whispered before addressing the lady. "what do you need to see yukhei for?"

"oh, for god's sake!" the lady stormed down the hallway and reached lucas's dorm and knocked as donghyuck and mark chased after her defeatedly.

a soft looking boy answered the door. "oh, hello!" he offered a soft smile.

the lady looked at jungwoo up and down, obviously judging him. "who're you?"

suddenly, lucas popped out from behind jungwoo and protectively stood in front of the older. "what the hell are you doing here, mother?"

his mother offered a fake smile. "to see you, of course!" she opened her arms for a hug. "how've you been, sweetie?"

lucas stepped back, not accepting the hug. "i'm not going." he confirmed.

jungwoo glanced up at the taller worriedly. "going where?"

lucas's eyes widened. "nothing, woo. it's nothing."

"nothing, lucas? really, moving to china and becoming a ceo is nothing to you?" his mother snapped angerily.

"china? you're moving to china?" jungwoo asked as his eyes seemed to become saucers.

"no! i swear i'm not, jungwoo. i won't leave no matter-"

"you will take over the family business, yukhei. or i will ruin you."

"no!" wailed jungwoo, pushing lucas out of the way to stand in front of lucas's mom. "don't! he's perfectly happy here!"

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