chapter eighteen

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"i'm going to confess to lucas!" said jungwoo excitedly as he hopped foot to foot in front of doyoung and taeil. the two stared wide-eyed up at him.

"you like him?" asked taeil, snuggling into doyoung's side on the couch.

jungwoo nodded eagerly. "i think i do!"

doyoung looked like he was im deep thought. "but if lucas is the top shouldn't he-"

taeil covered doyoung's mouth. "then go confess, jungwoo-ah. we're always here to support you." taeil smiled.

jungwoo leaped on his two close friends, hugging them violently. "you guys are the best!"

"anytime woo. now how you gonna get your man?" asked doyoung with a smirk.

"... i dunno."

lucas scrolled through the web on his laptop as he sat cross legged on the bed. he was a mile high in stacks of homework but he wasn't doing any research on that shit.

how to confess to your crush in four easy steps, read one article lucas clicked on.

he had been doing research for a while on his laptop about how to confess to jungwoo because now that he knows he likes the older, he thinks that he should take some action. lucas knew his feelings toward jungwoo probably weren't mutual but the confession would get something off his chest and out in the wild. if things then go awkward between the two, there was no backup plan so lucas would just have to deal with the shit he caused.

but he doesn't even know how he's going to confess, damnit.

he continued to scroll through the article, reading each step.

step one: setting up.
be able to show this person you like them through body actions and giving them signs so they can try to get the hint.

lucas had been doing that, hasn't he? doing the little things like pampering jungwoo with food, giving him cuddles, and getting all blushy and fidgety when he's around the older. check!

step two: find a good time.
it's best to confess when you two are alone and face to face. texting might not help as your significant other may not take the confession seriously. you might want to make the scenery nice or go to a memorable place, like where you first met or a nice park.

lucas imagined taking jungwoo to a park at sunset. no one was around, only them as they laid on the grass, staring at the beautiful sky.

step three: say it, dumbass!
confess to your crush without seeming to put pressure on them. do it lightly and remember to express your full feelings. you can rehearse this part or say what comes to your mind in the moment. maybe give reasons why you love them or so forth. be bold and confident as well!

lucas imagined himself taking both of jungwoo's small hands in his large ones and facing the older, staring him softly right in the eyes. "look, jungwoo, i was your best friend when we were younger and now i get the honor of being your college roommate. i've known you for that long but i can't believe it took me that time to realize you're the most beautiful and precious boy ever."

"i know you might not feel the same way, but i know i like you... a ton." maybe at that point lucas would nervously chuckle. "i like you for your soft yet sassy personality, the way you could make anyone go uwu, your smarts..." lucas would take a deep breath. "i like you because you're beautiful and your hair's so soft, how warm and cozy you are when we cuddle, and how you just... you make my heart go boom, jungwoo..."

step four: if they reciprocate your feelings, ask them out.
if they do feel the same way, congrats! you can go ahead and ask them out. if they don't, it's okay! there are plenty of other fish in the sea.

maybe jungwoo would pull him in a warm hug. he might tell lucas he likes him too. jungwoo might even take lucas's face and stand on his tiptoes an lean their faces so close together their lips touch...

lucas snapped out of his reverie. gosh... that sounded... so nice. he couldn't stop thinking about confessing to jungwoo, kissing jungwoo, cuddling with jungwoo, being with jungwoo. and he could never stop.

he sighed and whispered, wishing it would carry on to a certain someone. "do you think about me too?"

lucas was in class when he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket and the sound of his kpop ringtone went off. more specifically, his sperm ringtone.

'cause when we jumping and popping, we jopping!'

the class paused and lucas asked politely to be dismissed, the whole college class now in an uproar about the group sperm. lucas heard some questions about biases and how sperm debuted in america and how to even fucking jop.

the author and the whole world finally knows how to jop, thank you for your concern.

lucas paced in the hallway as he checked the caller id. his own mom decided to call him during classes. why the hell would his own mother interrupt his education? god, she wants him to learn, right?

"mom?" he asked into the phone.

"yukehi, honey! it's great to hear from you!"

"yeah, you too, mom."

"how has everything at school been?" asked his mother over the phone. "have you met anyone? friends, i mean?"

lucas scratched the back of his neck even if his mother couldn't see him. "yes mom." lucas dropped his voice quieter. "i have." he was so glad he was alone as his ears reddened.

"oh, that's so good yukhei! i'm so proud of my little munchkin!"

"i'm not your little munchkin anymore, mom," lucas mumbled in embarrassment.

"i know, yukhei. i'm so happy for you! but i'm afraid i also have some bad news."

lucas hummed into the phone, indicating for his mother to continue.

"well... um, i'm afraid you're going to have to leave the university, yukhei. there's been a slight issue involving... the family business..."

lucas frowned and raised his eyebrows. "in china?"

a sad sigh could be heard over the phone. "yes... your father's in jail now and i want you to become the ceo of the business, son. it's a real opportunity-"

lucas frowned and interrupted. " but mom, but i'm doing perfectly fine over here!" jungwoo was the first person that popped into his head. "i have so many important people here!"

"yukhei... we need someone to inherit the family business. more specifically, you. we need you in china so you can begin as the ceo."

"but mom, i really don't want-"

"haven't you always wanted to be a ceo?"

"yes mom, but-"

"wong yukhei, you will do what your mother says."

"mom, i'm an adult!" lucas snapped into the phone.

"i'm still your mother."

"will i ever come back? to korea, i mean..." lucas whispered.

"wong yukhei. you know how korea has been to you in the past. i want you to come to china and take over the business-"

"i told you mom, i don't want to go to china-"

"you. will. do. as. i. say." said his mother dangerously. "the plane ticket has been already bought, i'm expecting you here in a week." she hung up without a good bye.

leaning on the wall, lucas put his head in his hands and sunk to the floor. he thought of his friends and important people he had here. he thought of the education he was getting and the memories and...


korea may not be his home... and china wasn't either. but where ever jungwoo was, even without a roof over his head, he felt safe.

where ever jungwoo is, that's lucas's home.

i love conflict jk
i'm sorry
also i know how to jop yay


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