chapter fifteen

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"look at them, they should all just get in some fucking poly relationship."

lucas scoffed at jaehyun and taeyong feeding jungwoo food at the end of the table. jungwoo nibbled on the food adorably and whenever he did so, the jaeyong couple (who lucas still couldn't figure out were together) would coo at jungwoo's cuteness. lucas mumbled curse words to himself when he heard jungwoo saying how yummy the food was.

"i am offended!" jeno had overheard what lucas had said about jaeyong and jungwoo getting into a poly relationship. the younger places his hand on his chest, faking a sob. "i am in a fucking poly relationship, thank you very much."

"nono, babe, that sounds wrong," jaemin said as he patted jeno's arm.

renjun squished in between them like he was in the middle of the norenmin sandwich, which he is. "especially when you said the fucking part. because it sounds like we-"

"is that what you want to do, injunie?" jeno smirked at renjun and the smaller bit his lip.

"jeno, we are in school-"

"what about me?" jaemin pouted on the other side of renjun. both jeno and renjun turned and cooed at him.

"we can't forget you, baby." renjun kissed a now happy jaemin's nose as jeno ruffled his hair.

lucas poked yangyang, hendery, and xiaojun, who were sitting next to him. "y'all wanna come to church with me?"

hendery sighed. "me though."

"same," said xiaojun.

"mood." yangyang goes along with it.

"if one of my children say 'me, same, or mood' again, i swear i will murder someone and chop up their body on a cutting board," kun hisses.

"me," says yuta.

"same," says sicheng.

"mood!" taeil smirks.

kun screeched and slammed his sandwich on the ground. sicheng eyed the angry bean from behind yuta.

"kun.exe has stopped working." yuta is backhugged by sicheng as he says that.

"i hate how everyone here is a couple!" lucas slammed his head on the table. "i'm gonna be the only one single besides kun when jungwoo and taeyong and jaehyun get together!"

"... taeyong and jaehyun love," says sicheng the best he can as he is still learning korean.

"yeah, they love jungwoo." lucas pouted.

"no!" sicheng drew a heart with his index fingers. "love!"

lucas shook his head. "i still don't-"

"taeyong and jaehyun are together, you fucking dipshit!" sicheng snapped in chinese.

"wait, what?" lucas asks. the chinese intellectuals are now communicating. "they're dating?" he asks in chinese.

"they've been together ever since high school, according to jungwoo," says sicheng, glad he can finally say something without sounding like a dumb two year old. "they only love each other, can't you see?"

lucas glances in the direction of the three and he can see taeyong and jaehyun holding hands. god, how didn't he notice that? maybe he was distracted by something... or someone.

"oh my god!" lucas grins victoriously and begins to laugh like the idiot he sometimes is.

"... why are you so happy?" asks yangyang.

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