chapter eleven

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special psa before we begin today's episode of the faults in our luwoo....
hApPy bIrThDaY hEnDerY uwu
at least for my time zone it's his birthday idk bout you tho.

"he's fucking ignoring me."

lucas was pissed about jungwoo totally ditching him and his homework last night. the uwu hadn't shown up that morning to the dorm and if he had, he left no trace of his appearance. lucas was still stuck on his calculus and he hadn't been able to sleep last night. his whole body had ached for some weird reason and his chest hurt the whole night. it was probably because he slept the wrong way...

... or maybe the guilt of making his roommate scream his guts out at him.

lucas also couldn't concentrate the whole day. why? he had no idea. he kept replaying jungwoo's voice yelling at him the whole day and it was stuck in his head like a good song. seriously, the last song he had gotten in his head was once's feel unimportant. god, that music video went trending metube, lucas remembered.

lucas was acting so fucking weird and he wanted to stop. so he went to a very reliable person for some help: the one and only fat kun.

"excuse me? you want my help?" kun was running around, chasing hendery, xiaojun, and yangyang. "i'm busy with my three children, thank you very much."

"bUT I WANNA BE YOUR CHILD!" lucas whined.

"first come first serve." yangyang clung to kun and soon enough the other two joined him.

so lucas needed another source. he decided to go to the one and only lee taeyong.

when he knocked on the door, no one answered. he knocked again and received the same response. he sighed and gave up after thirty seconds because he was a pathetic bitch.

lucas needed help. so why not go to ten? the short guy seemed smart enough, right?

he barged into the dorm because this was johnny's dorm and the american never cared if someone knocked down his door. "johnny where's ten because- aHHHHHHHHH HOLY SHIT!"

lucas did not want to ever see the unholy image of ten and johnny making out on the couch half naked.

"i shall bleach my eyes, my savior." lucas then kneeled in the middle of the hallway, saying prayers to his lord.


and thus we see a dolphin in its natural environment.

and why the fuck is there a tall chick following him?

"chenle! jisung!" lucas looked ecstatic.

"hey." jisung held up a huge ass hand.

"you babies would not believe what i just saw!" lucas decided to spill the tea.

"better be age appropriate for my underage ears!" announced chenle innocently and happily.

uh oh, this is going to be the most cursed minute in history.

"johnny and ten were practically eating each other's faces on their couch," lucas said.

jisung shook his head with a sigh. "i feel bad for the couch."

chenle was ruined. "oh my god, that sounds explicit."

"i would tell you more, but i've got a bigger problem in my hands," lucas claps his hands.

"spill," chenle says eagerly.

"so i have a roommate, right?"

"we all do, lucas-" jisung sounds like he couldn't care less.

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