chapter five

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"fuck my life."

jungwoo looked at doyoung confused. "um... buddy?"

"i wanna die and have a kahoot about my life at my funeral and if you get first place you get my inheritance.
doyoung groaned as he put another hoodie in his suitcase. jungwoo just stared as he watched, curled in a small ball on the bed.

"that sounds a little..."

"i don't care how it sounds! college can suck my dick, honestly." doyoung sighed as he shook his head. "it's going to be the end of my life, my uwu friend, whether i like it or not." doyoung grabbed both of jungwoo's shoulders and gave them a light shake.

"we can die together, at least." jungwoo said, wide eyed. "we're going to the same college."

"well, we're in different majors, i don't know who my roommate is, which i hope i gonna be you, and it's like four hours away!" doyoung threw a pair of socks in the bag angrily. "who knows who we could meet there, woo! oh no, oh shit... what if one of our roommates finds out i'm as straight as a bendy ruler?" doyoung groaned and began slamming his head on the wall.

"doyoung! stop!" jungwoo pulled doyoung away from the wall. "hey... it'll be okay, right?" doyoung shook his head and pouted like a cute little bunny. "look, our roommates will probably be super nice people, or maybe even each other if we have super good luck. everyone leaves home for college and it's a little scary, but we gotta look on the bright side." jungwoo showed a huge smile and a thumbs up sign.

"this is my bright side." doyoung said monotonously.

jungwoo may not seem nervous for college, but oh fuck, he was.

he didn't want to leave home. mostly all of his friends were going to college so he wouldn't have to leave them because everyone's leaving anyways. but he still felt a heavy guilt leaving his home and his parents. he had so many good and bad memories there. some he wanted to keep forever in a small box and others he just wanted to stuff in a box, lock up, and burn. jungwoo hated leaving his home, he hated people like that, just thinking they could leave suddenly and believing it has no effect. but those things effect everyone, when a puzzle piece in your life is ripped out of the puzzle, your life isn't complete.

jungwoo's puzzle had been missing a piece since he was twelve.

jungwoo was scarred back then by a certain kid. he nearly became depressed and his years leading up to high school were lonely and jungwoo didn't even bother to try to socialize with anyone. most of the time, he was in his own bubble containing himself, sadness, and his grades. his studies became the most important thing in life as he got bullied again and things spiraled downhill. except this time, no one stood up to the bully.

what popped him out of his bubble was high school, where he actually met some great friends for life. doyoung, his closest friend going to the same college as him. jaehyun, a boy he found out was in his classes as a little kid. taeyong, jaehyun's boyfriend that probably had the best duality jungwoo had ever seen. and of course, the mother of the group, kun. jungwoo was even buddies with some of the upperclassmen at his high school before they graduated like minseok, baekhyun, luhan, and their group of friends.

jungwoo had moved on. and now was another chapter of his life. if he could, he'd go back to his younger self and instead on pulling him away and having him miss out on a great friendship, he'd make sure that he hung out with more than one person all the time. sure, jungwoo learned, it's okay to have one best friend that you may favor over your other friends. but you should at least have more than one friend and get to know other people. who knows, they may be a cool kid too. or a chill kid. whatever you want to believe.

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