chapter twenty-one

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lucas walked to his dorm with his head down and his hood up, getting hooked into his music as it played in his ears loudly. he was just trying to escape reality, he supposed as he was being an anti social slug.

lucas's mom left him alone. forgot about him, tossed him to the side. she just wanted him so he could inherit the family business, he realized. god, he was even used by his own mother. how utterly fucking pathetic.

over the two days since lucas's mom had confronted him, lucas hadn't seen a trace of jungwoo anywhere. the last time he had seen the heartbroken boy was after they had the confrontation with his mother. he had asked nearly everyone where the uwu was but no one reported a sighting of him.

this lead lucas to become basically depressed. he skipped a few of his classes, barely showered or shaved, and hadn't taken care of himself. he would keep his hoodie up and head down when in public and he wouldn't talk to anyone in their friend group.

every day he would cry in his bed. lucas would wail and sob and let everything out alone while thinking about jungwoo. it hurt his heart just to think of the older. god, that's really what love does to you, huh?

now lucas walked to his dorm, instant ramen cups in his hand as he remembered they were his and jungwoo's favorite snack. lucas's eyes got glossy when he remembered the uwu male and his body began to hurt. everything hurt.

lucas opened the door to his dorm, barely looking up as he threw the instant ramen on the table. he looked up only to inspect the messy condition of his dorm before his eyes landed on the certain someone that had been making him cry for days on end.

lucas didn't think he could get anything out of his mouth. he swore he was choking and suffocating. the male in front of him hadn't changed at all; his eyes were wide yet red and puffy but lucas could care less. his hair was disheveled but it served the boy a good look. he was still as beautiful as before. no wait, more beautiful than before.

"jungwoo." lucas whispered his name softly and somehow it came out without a voice crack or a stutter. jungwoo stared at him and they made eye contact and lucas swore time stopped.

"yukhei..." jungwoo breathed softly and lucas got tingles down him spine from hearing that angelic voice. the two just stared at each other for a second, admiring each other from a distance.

jungwoo snapped out of it first. he left to their dorm bedroom and lucas followed like a puppy.

in the room clothes and other various belongings were stacked up by a few large boxes and suitcases. jungwoo crouched by one and began stuffing some plushies into it.

"what..." lucas paused to chuckle at jungwoo's cuteness. "what are you doing?"

jungwoo gave him a cold, emotionless look. "packing my stuff, wong. what does it look like?"

lucas paused upon hearing what jungwoo called him. "you're- you're moving out?" he spluttered.

jungwoo didn't look at him. "what do you think?" he snapped.

lucas couldn't believe it. kim jungwoo was leaving him. the man lucas cared about, who he fought for, who he loved was leaving. lucas had an internal battle. he wanted jungwoo to stay.

he needed to do something... only one thing. that thing.

"jungwoo," lucas breathed and let his fingertips brush along the older's shoulder. he could feel the boy stiffen under his touch.

"i have to get going, wong," jungwoo muttered.

"please, listen..." lucas took a deep breath.

"no, i have to get going, asshole!" jungwoo hissed at lucas before stalking off to the dorm's door. lucas visibly flinched at jungwoo's outburst.

"jungwoo, just stop!" lucas raised his voice.

he took a deep breath. "i- i'm so sorry..." he whispered to the ground. "i'm sorry!" he spoke louder now.

"my mom- she lied. she's a bitch, but she's persuasive, i don't blame you for believing her over me, jungwoo..." lucas sighed. jungwoo wasn't listening to him but he felt like he couldn't shut up now.

"she lied, jungwoo. she lied. i'm- i'm so, so, so happy here... i am, really. i'm so happy with you, jungwoo..."

"i care too much... i care more than i should, jungwoo. i've cared so much i've been hurt... and it burns. it burns when you're sad. it burns when you're angry. it burns when you," a pause, lucas sniffling, "it burns when you hate me..." lucas's voice cracked but he kept on going.

"it's- i feel something for you, jungwoo. it's when you laugh, when you smile, when you give me that look with your beautiful eyes. you're so precious and delicate like a flower and you're so pretty and beautiful like one too... everything you do, every little thing... it makes me go crazy. it's too fast, but i think that's okay because it feels good to be like this... to look at you like that. to see you like- like you're perfect. because you are."

"you're so perfect, jungwoo..." lucas was full on crying by now. "you're too perfect... i-" lucas leaned on the wall next to him, unable to talk as he broke down. "i... i love you... so, so much... it hurts so bad!" lucas wailed. "i love you but it hurts, it hurts..."

lucas's voice trailed off as he kept whispering those words over and over again... probably just to himself. he had no idea jungwoo had paused and was actually listening to him. he had no idea jungwoo was crying too. he had no idea jungwoo had walked over to him.

but he knew it was jungwoo when he felt warm arms surrounding him and holding him.

lucas unconsciously leaned into the warm touch and cried. he felt a warm hand stroke his hair and lucas rested his head on jungwoo's shoulder and wrapped his arms around the older, lucas whispering apologies and 'i love you's.

jungwoo pressed his body against lucas's. "i- i love you too..." jungwoo buried his face in lucas's shoulder. "i love you so much, yukhei."

after the two crybabies seemed to regain themselves, jungwoo felt his chin being tilted up and was met with lucas's warm eyes on him. oh my god... jungwoo thought. he had fallen for this guy so hard. he was so indescribable.

jungwoo saw lucas's eyes flick down to his lips then back up to his eyes, as if asking a silent question. somehow jungwoo and lucas has some sort of silent communication going on between them, as their faces somehow seemed to get closer. the two leaned in simultaneously as their lips touched lightly.

lucas's lips tasted like sweet caramel to jungwoo. they were soft against his and felt as if they belonged against each other. despite the kiss being soft and sweet jungwoo still felt a hint of electricity beneath it when their lips touched. they stayed like that, kissing each other gently yet passionately. lucas tilted jungwoo's head with his hand, caressing his soft cheek as the kiss deepened.

when the two had pulled apart with swollen lips and rosy cheeks, they rested their foreheads on each other's, catching their breaths. jungwoo caught a faint boyish smile on lucas which seemed to be contagious as jungwoo grinned shyly.

"that," lucas whispered, a hint of joy in his voice as he ran his thumb along jungwoo's cheek, "was the best moment of my life."

thanks for 1k reads y'all are my little uwus :D
consider this chapter as your present ;)


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