chapter four

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to say time flies is really true. it felt like just one chapter ago jungwoo and lucas were innocent six year olds planning to spend the summer together. well, let's just say they spent more than one summer together. they spent every summer together from the time they were six to twelve years old. when they were six, they played with their dinosaur toys. at seven years old they played on the swings at the playground and lucas fell and got a cut on his knee. when they were eight, they rode their bikes up and down the streets, probably scaring jungwoo's old cat lady neighbor. at nine years old they went to an ice cream shop and after they would go home and watch cartoons (not the healthiest summer of them all). the summer of ten years old, lucas and jungwoo would go swimming at the local pool as much as they could (lucas would break most of the rules and would do pretty much anything dangerous. poor jungwoo and the lifeguards got a scare from him). at eleven years old, lucas and jungwoo spent the whole time playing video games on jungwoo's gaming console. and at twelve, the latest summer, lucas got his first cell phone and jungwoo followed later in the summer. they ended up filling their camera rolls with selfies together or pictures of each other.

the school year of junior high came, and finally the two were out of elementary school (school years are different for everyone, but author uwu is gonna do this because she is as kunfused as hell). they had arranged going to the same school over the summer so they wouldn't be apart. jungwoo had talked about how excited he was they were going to be in most of the same classes, lucas laughing at him and agreeing.

"if there are any meanie teachers, then you can protect me!" jungwoo announced as his fingers flew over the ps4 controller. lucas spilled his uwus and let go of the controller just to cling on to jungwoo and mumble about how cute the other is. "yah! we're- i just lost the game!" jungwoo blushed from lucas clinging onto him and pouted. okay, so it may seem his game was more important, but lucas actually was. but that was just because jungwoo had the teeniest, tiniest, smallest crush on the loud weirdo. like, he wasn't doubting he did like the kid. but he was 12, for god's sake.

it's never too early to find out your sexuality, kiddos.

lucas, on the other hand, was perfectly as straight as a circle. honestly speaking, he had looked at a few girls his age but looking at his adorable best friend made him feel something different somehow. he still had no idea, he probably didn't even know what gay or bisexual meant, but it was no doubt he felt something for this little uwu.

"hey... lucas?"

"hm?" lucas hummed in response, restarting the game they were playing as he listed to jungwoo.

"remember when you made that promise to, like, stick by my side when we were, i dunno, six?"

it didn't take long for lucas to remember. " yeah, dUH. why?"

"just because i was wondering if that still stands." jungwoo said, glancing away from the tv screen to just look at lucas.

"oH yEAHH!" lucas screeched as they won their level. in the midst of their stupid twelve year old excitement jumping up and down with jungwoo he said, "of course, woo! i'll be next to you, always."

"in high school?"


"college too?"

"nifty. bet i'd be playing for the football team or something."

"yep, i'm just gonna not say anything!"

"hEY!" lucas tackled jungwoo so he was on the ground, lucas on top of him. jungwoo began to giggle and kick his feet and lucas tickled him.

"st-sTOP." jungwoo screamed as he squirmed. he felt lucas go for his most ticklest spot. please stop thinking how you are, readers. read a bible and go run in some holy water, please. but i still love you.

"hA!" lucas tickled jungwoo's feet and jungwoo nearly died. lucas ducked as the smaller nearly hit him in the head as he kicked his feet. lucas climbed off jungwoo and jungwoo happily barreled into lucas, nuzzling and cuddling him to the ground. the smaller let out a soft sigh as lucas wrapped his arms around him and in turn, jungwoo wrapped his legs around lucas's waist.

"respect your hyung." jungwoo murmered as he pressed his cheek to lucas's chest. he could hear the fast heartbeat inside.

"you're older than me by like, three months." (author uwu is allowed to change the ages up because she got that power by exo) lucas smiled and patted jungwoo's back.

"still older. and wiser." jungwoo stated matter of factly.

"whatever. my best friend is an old man." lucas rolled his eyes teasingly.

"but you're still my best friend." said lucas. "you always will be."

the first day of school came as fast as nct dream glowed up. which was pretty fast and a little too sudden.

jungwoo was ready. ready to impress the heck out of other kids. he had on a pair of light jeans and an oversized sweater with vans. an outfit fit to impress.

not that jungwoo was looking to impress anyone else besides one specific person.

he showed up to school happily bouncing on his toes. he texted lucas as soon as he got there by his mom dropping him off.

jungwoo: im here already lu! :)
read at 8:05.

hm, that's strange, jungwoo thought. he would respond... wouldn't he? nah, he's probably busy changing or running late and didn't have time to respond... even if he always responds.

jungwoo decided to shake off the problem and leaned by the front doors, phone in hand, as he waited for lucas. some kids looked at him strangely but some didn't even care there was a lonely kid looking like some kind of cute stalker watching them. ugh, kiddos these days.

soon enough, the first bell of the day rang and a few kids who overslept ran into the school. jungwoo checked his phone but saw he had no new texts or calls from lucas. he still had five minutes until class started and the late bell rang. he decided to quickly give lucas a call.

no one answered so jungwoo decided to just leave a message.

"yeah... um... hey lucas. it's me, jungwoo, as you know. so anyways you're not here at school and there's strangers and i'm a little scared. you might be sick or late but i just wanna make sure you're okay. i-i love you, lucas." jungwoo sighed as he walked into the school.

during his classes, jungwoo couldn't concentrate. it was the first day of school and he was just as confused as all the other kids, but not about his classes, schedule, procedures, or lunch.

all of his confusion was about lucas.

at lunch the boy texted lucas again.

jungwoo: cas, where are you?

jungwoo: why aren't you responding?

jungwoo: please text something. :(
read at 12:19.

and jungwoo continued on with his day.

days went by. jungwoo kept texting and calling lucas. when jungwoo's mom called lucas's mom, no one had responded and the line had been taken down. that certainly did not reassure jungwoo.

"mom." jungwoo entered his ride home. "we gotta go to his house!" jungwoo's mother frowned. she felt really sorry for her son and could see how desperate he was.

"okay, sweetie. buckle up."

when they got to lucas's house, jungwoo leaped out before the car came to a complete stop and bolted to his best friend's yard. but he stopped once he saw the sign on the front lawn.

'for sale: SOLD.'

okay this is sad.

next chaps gonna be a huge time skip ;)

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