chapter fourteen

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"jesus jaehyun, you smell like shit."

"sorry taeyongie," jaehyun said as he spun a basketball on his finger. "i just got back from practice and guess who's starting in thursday's game!"

"not you, because you'll be dead." taeyong crossed his arms and jaehyun stared cluelessly at him. taeyong raised his eyebrows and made a wide gesture to jaehyun and their dorm, which was scattered with jaehyun's practice clothes and smelly shoes.

jaehyun frowned. "i'm sorry, yongie." he walked to taeyong and hugged him.

"you smell," taeyong murmered as he nuzzled his face into jaehyun's neck, wrapping his arms around the younger.

jaehyun hummed. "but you still love me?"

taeyong smiled against jaehyun's neck. "not if you don't go take a shower, no."

jaehyun swayed side to side with taeyong still in his arms. "care to join me, then?"

taeyong answered automatically. "no thanks."

"you'll join me anyways-"

"no i won't!" taeyong lied.

jungwoo bursted into his dorm and did a mini happy dance. "yES!" he squeaked.

lucas watched from the couch amused as jungwoo bounced up and down and did a series of dance moves only he could make look cute. "good day?"

"obviously. guess who i found out are in a dorm down the hall from us!"

lucas cocked his head. "johnny and ten?"

"no, they're next to us, dumbo!"

"explains the noises at night," lucas mumbled only for himself to hear.


"nothing!" lucas held his hands up, wanting to save jungwoo's innocence.

"anyways, my friends from high school jaehyun and taeyong are just down the hallway," jungwoo smiled. "i can't believe i didn't know until now!"

lucas squinted. "friends from high school?"

jungwoo nodded, too happy in his own world to see lucas's jealousy. "yup!" jungwoo stood up and headed towards the door. "i'm going to go see them now, see ya, lucas!"

when jungwoo closed the door behind him, lucas sighed and placed his head on his hand. "welp."

lucas watched jungwoo walking with jaehyun and taeyong in the college commons. he stopped from eating his lunch just to see the uwu and his two friends walking with their own lunches and laughing their asses off. lucas sighed, taking a sip of his soda while watching them. he was so transfixed on jaehyun wrapping an arm around jungwoo with a grin that he accidentally spilled his soda all over himself. "oh, shit!"

mark, who was feeding donghyuck a french fry, stopped to laugh at lucas like a maniac. lucas scoffed and threw one of his wrappers at mark, who tried to catch it with one hand but failed.

"bro, you don't seem very happy," said johnny, scratching his chin. "would you mind sharing your thoughts with your personal therapist johnny suh?"

"no, of course he doesn't want to," ten crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "therapist johnny suh should be fired."

johnny placed a hand on ten's thigh, gently rubbing. ten shut up immediately after that.

"oh, get a room!" donghyuck whined and buries his head in mark's shoulder.

"i don't like it when my roommate is with those guys." lucas pointed at jaehyun and taeyong. "it pisses me off for some reason."

"ooooooh, yukhei's a little jellyous-"

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