chapter twelve

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it had been a few weeks since jungwoo and lucas's argument and nothing had progressed. jungwoo was still mad at lucas and lucas was still mad at jungwoo. the older was refusing to stay in their shared dorm and the younger refused to talk to jungwoo. their friends thought it was a petty and stupid argument about just calculus homework but for the two, it had progressed to more than that. jungwoo was oblivious to the fact he was also taking out is anger on lucas because of the younger leaving him all those years ago. lucas was mad he had to be torn away from one of his childhood best friends and now this guy shows back up in his life.

"jungwoo, you know you can't stay with me and taeil forever," said doyoung one evening as jungwoo played minecraft with taeil on the television. "eventually, the principal will find out and make you move back in with lucas."

jungwoo didn't spare a glance at doyoung as he built his extravagant house out of stone blocks. "i won't move in with him even if i'm forced to."

"but jungwoo-"

"shhh, i'm getting attacked by a zombie!" jungwoo raises his voice slightly and his thumbs move rapidly on the controller.

"jungwoo!" taeil gasps, his fingers moving just as fast. "lOOK OUT!"

"cREEPER!" a slight pause. "aW MAN!" jungwoo whines.

doyoung was starting to get angry his two closest friends weren't listening to him and were more focused about getting some pet wolf or something. "taeil, back me up here!"

"oh my god, doyoungie, look at my new pet wolf," taeil points at the screen. "his name is chogiwa."

"exhoe is the best group, though," jungwoo says. "my favorite song is call me daddy."

suddenly, just as taeil was giving chogiwa the wolf some pork chops, the screen blacked out. "yAH!" taeil screeches, looking like he's about to explode.

"will y'all just listen to me?" doyoung rolls his eyes. "god, i hate minecrafters."

"rOBLOX IS BETTER ANYWAYS!" they hear a screech from the hallways and a distant shut up johnny.

"jungwoo, you can't sleep on our couch forever. you're getting back problems." doyoung walks to jungwoo and pats his head. "and, uh, some of us like... alone time? right, taeil?" taeil's eyes widen and he begins to stutter.

"i-i... don't know what you mean, buddy!" was all taeil was able to get out as jungwoo looked at them suspiciously.

"so... i'm interrupting your- your alone time?" jungwoo gulped and shuddered.

doyoung realized he was getting to his little uwu friend. he smirked evilly and rubbed his hands together. "oh yeah, jungwoo. if you stay here you get the thrill of knowing what taeil and i do alone." doyoung wrapped his arm around taeil and the smaller had a look of pure terror on his face. "isn't that right, taeil hyung?"

"uh- yeah, sure!" taeil was on autopilot from the moment doyoung called him hyung. doyoung kisses his cheek and taeil's mouth formed an "o" shape.

jungwoo gasped. "i-i really don't want to be around to see whatever the hell... that is," he gagged.

taeil shrugged, going along with doyoung now that he had recovered. to be honest, taeil might like some alone time with doyoung, especially if doyoung wanted to do what he had been implying. "your choice, uwu."

"pLEASE!" jungwoo begged yuta, falling to his knees. "i'll do anything, yuta, please!"

yuta backed up with his arms held up. "jungwoo, sicheng and i can't take you in-"

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