chapter thirteen

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"after that, my mom and i moved to china just before the school year was about to start. we had relations in china since i was born there so we had everything set up by the time we got there. i was told not to leave a trace of me ever being there, so i couldn't contact you, jungwoo." lucas took a deep breath and drank some of his juice. "after that, i went to school in china and graduated. i wanted to go to korea for college because it was where i grew up..." a pause. "and maybe because i was hoping to see someone i knew..."

jungwoo wasn't dumb. "me?"

lucas nodded, looking down to hide... was that a faint blush on his cheeks? "you."

jungwoo had no idea lucas's backstory was that... intense. he had judged his roommate wrong from the beginning. he wasn't a bad person and he hadn't left little jungwoo just to break his heart... he was just in a nasty situation.


lucas glanced up when he heard his name. "hm?"

"... i'm sorry."

lucas showed a smile. "you don't need to be, i understand-"

he was cut off when suddenly a body collided with his. lucas felt slender arms wrap around his neck and a head get buried in his shoulder. soft hair tickled his nose and he caught a whiff of the familiar shampoo. lucas responded to the hug, wrapping his arms around jungwoo's thin waist and resting his chin on the older's shoulder. wow, that escalated quickly, thought lucas.

"i jumped to conclusions too quickly. i'm the one who should be saying sorry, you did nothing wrong," jungwoo stated, staring at lucas with seriousness.

"but still, i acted like a jerk to you-"

"i screamed at you, though!"

"because i aggravated you!"

jungwoo suddenly began laughing while lucas stared at him like he went off his rocker. jungwoo exhaled, shaking his head. "god, look at us. we even argue about us arguing."

"... i have no idea what you just said, please put it in human format." said lucas, who was perplexed with jungwoo's choice of wording.

"you know what? we should just start over," said jungwoo. "like, not completely, but to a point where we're somewhat acquaintances." lucas could be seen nodding along to jungwoo's every sentence. "we really have no grudge against each other, we could probably start living in the same dorm right now."

lucas smiled widely. "i'd like that," he rested his chin on his hand.

"then i'll start moving in." jungwoo stood up and looked over his should with a grin. "make us some ramen, yeah?"

lucas grinned wider if it was even possible. "definitely."

lucas and jungwoo across from each other at their small dining table, bowls of instant ramen in front of them. jungwoo, who was quite hungry, slurped his up quickly. lucas watched him in amusement as he did so. "you're really hungry?" he asked.

jungwoo nodded while he paused to take a sip of his milk. "very," he said. he took another slurp of the ramen and licked his lips. "i'm always like this, i love food."

"i see that." lucas took a cookie from a plate in between them and bit down into it, smiling in amusement.

jungwoo nodded and took a cookie, gobbling it down in a few bites, crumbs getting all over his lips. he licked off a few of the crumbs, but not all of them as a few stuck to his upper lip. lucas watched this and didn't fail to notice the crumbs on his roommate's lip. he was wondering if he should say something about it, but he didn't want to appear rude. he had just made amends with jungwoo, he didn't want them to fight again.

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