chapter nine

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"i can't believe!" jungwoo screeched, sitting down next to his friends in the college cafeteria. he slammed his tray down and sicheng flinched, yuta gently patting his back afterward. taeil didn't look surprised, ten didn't look like he cared at that point, mark looked up and was obviously startled, donghyuck took that opportunity to take a cookie off of mark's tray, and johnny was confused.

"what is it, man?" johnny asked, and ten slapped him. johnny let out a whine of pain as he held his arm.

"it's nothing. no big deal." but jungwoo pouted angrily. meanwhile, johnten seemed out of it with ten gently rubbing where he had slapped johnny earlier while the giant was leaning into the touch. jungwoo let his head rest on the table sadly.

"was lucas a douche to you, jungwoo?" doyoung was by jungwoo in a moment, patting jungwoo's soft hair instantly. "what is it, little bean?"

"he... he used the rest of my shampoo!" jungwoo cried, looking like he was about to burst into tears. "then... he lied about not using it... and- and that shampoo costed like, all my savings!"

"wait, shampoo costs that much?" donghyuck mumbled, looking at mark for confirmation. the older just shrugged, pulling the younger closer to him.

"for me it costs that much." jungwoo sighed. "because i'm the person with the best hair." he said matter of factly as he pointed to his smooth locks.

"did you ask him why he used your shampoo?" taeil asked, leaning on his elbow which was placed on the table.

"no..." jungwoo sighed. "i was too scared he was going to use my conditioner too."

lucas flopped on the couch with a groan. renjun looked like he barely cared as he cooked in the kitchen, humming a tune to himself.

"i feel bad." lucas frowned, furrowing his eyebrows.

renjun barely looked in his direction as he cooked. "why is that?" he asked monotonously, clearly uninterested.

"i used the rest of my roommate's shampoo, right?"

renjun leaned on the counter, watching the water boil on the stove. "why would you do that?"

"because it smelled really good!" lucas defended himself as he stretched out his body. "mine was out and i was too scared to tell him i needed some!"

"why would you need some if you never take showers, anyway?" renjun mumbled as he added the ingredients to the water.

"for a matter of fact, i do take showers." lucas crossed his arms. "i lifted weights earlier, i didn't want to smell like shit."

there was a long pause between the two. as renjun's dinner cooked, he glanced at lucas, seeing him curled in a ball, sniffing the strands of hair he could get to his nose. "... i don't even want to ask." said the younger chinese male.

lucas ran a huge hand through his hair and sniffed it. "but his shampoo smells really good." he pouted.

"then ask him if you could use it, god, he wouldn't mind sharing!" renjun was nearly done with all this crap.

"but he was super mad about it. and he looked super depressed." lucas sniffed, wrinkling his nose. "plus, he hates me." he rubbed his finger at his nose, eyes squinted.


the bedroom door opened to reveal a sleepy looking jaemin, hair messy and eyes droopy. he stumbled as he yawned sleepily. "who shouted?" he mumbled drowsily.

"oh god." squeaked renjun, running over. "i'm sorry, nana. just go back to sleep." the smaller kissed the taller's nose.

jaemin sniffed the air. "mmmmmm." he looked like he was gonna start drooling. "smells good." he leaned down and rested his head on renjun's shoulder, only looking up when lucas cleared his throat.

"oh, hey, lucas."

jaemin followed renjun like a puppy as the older cooked. lucas sat upside down on the couch, the world turned upside down to his eyes. "but back to my problem, what the hell do i do?" lucas kicked his feet.

a lock turning at the door interrupted him. god, whenever i have something important to say, i get interrupted, thought lucas.

"nONO!" jaemin and renjun yelled together, both sprinting to the door as it opened, looking like two puppies waiting for their owner to get home.

jeno walked in, the door not closing behind him as jaemin and renjun jumped into him, hugging him tight. jeno put down his bag and was able to hold both of them in his arms as he waddled in, shutting the door with his foot. "hi to you guys too." he kissed both of their foreheads in turn. he put them down and hummed when he smelled food. "yum!" he booped renjun on the nose and the smaller smiled widely.

"i slept the whole time, jeno!" jaemin announced proudly while pouting, and when jeno chuckled and tickled his sides, jaemin laughed happily.

lucas cleared his throat and looked like he was about to cry. "holy shit, you guys are so cute." he whined. renjun pecked jeno and jaemin on the lips before going back to cooking. jeno threw his schoolbag to the corner of the room and joined his boyfriends in the kitchen. the three got their meal ready and lucas pouted, leaning in the table. "can i join you guys?" he gave them his best puppy eyes.

renjun turned around for one second. "no." he said, wrapping his arms around jaemin and jeno.

lucas sighed and let out a fake cry. "very well..." he murmered dramatically. "don't... don't miss me..." he slowly walked out of their dorm backwards, blowing a kiss before skipping out.

jeno caught the flying kiss and crushed it with his hand.

when jungwoo got back to the dorm, he wasn't expecting to run into lucas, who was standing right in the doorway.

"oof!" he announced when he bumped his forehead against lucas's nose. lucas had been able to smell jungwoo's hair when they ran into each other and he had to admit the smell was addicting. he rubbed his sore nose while mumbling a curse and jungwoo looked up, realizing who it was. "oh." was all he said before he tried brushing past lucas, but lucas was too quick.

"wait." lucas took jungwoo's wrist and pulled him back so they were facing each other. jungwoo looked at anywhere but lucas, deciding to settle for staring at his ear. lucas shifted on his feet.

"so, like, your shampoo?" lucas asked and jungwo nodded. "yeah, i may have used the last of it and i lied to you earlier because i was scared you were gonna kill me." lucas paused, clicking his tongue. he really should've rehearsed this speech. "so i hate you and you hate me but i got you new shampoo 'cause you looked really sad..." he took his hand out from behind his back and revealed a new shampoo bottle. jungwoo just stared at it.

"so... like, i guess sorry?" it was more of a question than a statement. he watched jungwoo as the smaller blinked, staring at the bottle, eyelashes fluttering. he has really pretty eyes, was the first thing lucas thought. when jungwoo looked up at him, he saw jungwoo's eyes were a soft chocolate brown. jungwoo took the shampoo bottle from lucas slowly and their hands brushed. lucas swore jungwoo's smaller hands had some moisturizing magic to them. lucas snapped out of it. he couldn't think that. he hated jungwoo; jungwoo hated him.

"thanks." jungwoo murmered softly, looking up at lucas. lucas stared back.

lucas swore he saw jungwoo give him the smallest smile.

i saw a really good show last night


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