chapter nineteen

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"it's friday night!" jungwoo skipped to the door with a bowl of popcorn in his hands and a blanket wrapped around himself. "you know what that means, lucas!"

lucas kicked the door shut with his foot and threw his backpack down. it was around 7 at night so lucas was home a little later than usual, which he can blame on his financial accounting professor. the stupid fat lady couldn't find lucas's due report in her unorganized dump she calls her desk so lucas had to help her search for it. to sum up how torturous it was, lucas basically found an old half-eaten apple core in one of the drawers.

lucas snapped back to the present. he had something, or someone, much more important to think about now.

"friday night?" lucas pretends to think for a moment. "we're going to a club?" he asked teasingly.

"nUuUuu!" cried jungwoo. "it's movie night!"

lucas laughed at jungwoo's pout. "i was kidding," he said as he grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl. "i'll go change and you get to pick out any movie, woo." he patted the boy's head before going to his room to change.

meanwhile, jungwoo was in a slight pickle as he decided whether he should go with a romantic comedy or a scary movie. yes, jungwoo did have a little thing for romantic comedies, as they were hilarious and just too cute. but at the same time, he was questioning what lucas might like...

"got it picked, woo?" lucas plopped on the couch beside the older as jungwoo had an internal battle about which movie to pick.

instead of choosing a movie he set both of the dvd cases on lucas's lap. "please choose," jungwoo played with his sweater paws shyly.

lucas studied both of the movies. suddenly, he had a devilish plan come to mind and he had to stop an evil smirk to come across his face. okay, so his plan might include torturing jungwoo with scary jump scares and scenes but maybe the boy would get so scared he might seek out the first person he could to comfort and hold him.

as much as lucas and everybody in the world absolutely loved the boy, lucas just wanted to be with jungwoo. so being dumb like lucas was he chose the scary movie. he knew he made the right choice when he saw panic in jungwoo's features before the older put on a straight face. he started up the movie and so it began.

the lights were dimmed and the bowl of popcorn sat in between them. the movie started being pretty normal and not that vicious just like any horror movie.

around an hour into the movie, jungwoo had survived... barely. the poor boy would flinch at every jump scare and close his eyes at the gruesome parts. his heart rate was going a million miles per hour and he highly regretted letting lucas turn on a movie like this.

jungwoo snuggled deeper in his blanket as he watched the man get chased by the killer. uh oh... i know what's gonna happen...

"please don't run down that hallway..." jungwoo whispered to himself as he watched the movie. he shook with fright as he mentally prepared himself.

a warm hand gently held his, intertwining their fingers.

"are you scared?" lucas glanced at the boy he was holding hands with, noting his nervous features.

"no i'm not!" but in a second jungwoo screamed as the murderer jumped out from behind the corner and stabbed his innocent victim. jungwoo practically leaped onto lucas's lap crying.

lucas now regreted choosing the damn horror movie, of course it would upset jungwoo. with the movie still playing in the background, lucas held jungwoo to him as the older shook in terror. "i'm sorry... i shouldn't have chose that one... i'm sorry." lucas murmured apologies as he petted jungwoo's silky hair.

"but... you were so into it and," jungwoo hiccuped, "it's so scary- wHAt tHe HeLl iS tHat?" screeched jungwoo as a disturbing image showed in the tv screen.

lucas pressed jungwoo's head so it was in his chest. "don't pay attention to that," he whispered as jungwoo clung onto him.

"i am traumatized," says jungwoo as he snakes his arms discretely around lucas's neck.

lucas can't help but beam widely. "wowie... how can someone make me smile that much." he wondered out loud.

jungwoo squeaked and jerked away from lucas. "w-what's that supposed to mean?" the older questioned the flirting.

"nothing." lucas pulls jungwoo to him again. "you're just super warm and cuddly, that's all."

jungwoo groans but keeps his position with lucas. they stay like that happily, even if the horror movie is still playing in the background. the screams could still be heard but the two were oblivious as they were in their own world. their own little world where they can just forget everything that's happening in reality. forgetting about something can't make it go away, everyone knows that.

but jungwoo and lucas felt like when they were together all their problems could fly away like a bird.

"mom, i told you. i'm not going."

"wong yukhei. don't be so stubborn."

"i'm not! you're forcing me to go somewhere i don't want to!" lucas raised his voice the most he could in his phone without waking the sleeping jungwoo on the couch. it was late after their movie night, maybe 3 in the morning. the two had fallen asleep on the couch and lucas awoke to his phone ringing with him and jungwoo entangled together.

"your plane is taking off in two days! you can't just skip your flight-"

"make me." lucas's voice was low and deathly. "make me go on that fucking plane to hell."

"watch your mouth-" lucas's mom began.

"i'm being honest! i am not going and you can't tell me otherwise."

"i will go to korea and drag your ass right to china, yukhei."

"go ahead. i bet you won't," lucas challenged with a smirk even if his mother couldn't see it.

"whatever makes you sleep at night, yukhei." lucas's mother hung up with those ending words.

lucas sighed and put his phone down before going back to the couch, expecting to see jungwoo asleep. instead, he saw the older looking up at him with sleepy lidded eyes. "what was that?" he gave a cute kitten yawn.

lucas shook his head. "nothing, woo." he wrapped the older in blankets. "bed?" asked the younger as jungwoo nodded. lucas picked the boy up bridal style and carried him to the room, setting jungwoo on his bed.

"thank you, lucas," jungwoo mumbled as lucas covered him up with blankets.

"sleep well, uwu." lucas smiled affectionately as he patted jungwoo's head.

"night night," replied jungwoo drowsily.

as soon as jungwoo was asleep (with lucas watching over him), lucas laid on his own bed as he stared at the ceiling.

"i'm not leaving you," lucas whisperered.

oh let's get this drama bois
have a good day!


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