chapter sixteen

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"you know, you'll never learn if i do this."

jungwoo and lucas sat at the desk in their dorm, each in their own chair. in front of the two sat lucas's calculus homework that jungwoo was doing himself. lucas watched over his shoulder, eyes on jungwoo's soft, pretty hand writing down equations and numbers on the page. he was in a trance as he watched how smooth the older's hand moved and glanced up occasionally when the hand would move out of his field of vision and to jungwoo's mouth, where the uwu would chew on the pencil's eraser. then, jungwoo's eyes would light up as he finally found the solution to the equation.

this pattern went on the whole time jungwoo did lucas's homework and lucas was never bored. he wasn't even when the older tried to explain the equations, but every time lucas would catch himself staring at jungwoo.

snapping back into reality, the younger shrugged. "i don't really care about learning. besides, this doesn't even have to do with my major."

"but it's still important-"

"when will i use this long ass equation in my life? every day?" lucas rolls his eyes.

jungwoo sighed. lucas did have a point. half of the things he himself had learned in school weren't used in his everyday life. "i guess you do have a point, but-"

"but what?" lucas interrupted. jungwoo glanced at the younger, he swore it was only supposed to be a glance, but it ended up as more of staring at lucas. the younger's shiny dark brown hair seemed to flop perfectly over his face, shadowing a part of his eyes. the younger's face also held a perfect shape, jungwoo thought, because every part of lucas's face looked so proportioned. even though lucas's large ears stuck out from the side of his head, the older of the two found them oddly endearing. and lucas's plump lips looked really inviting and... kissable? no, don't think like that.

jungwoo found himself really attracted to lucas's eyes, which were large and a deep brown color... so dark and mesmerizing, like the dark night sky. the older felt like he could just sink and fall into the darkness and still somehow feel safe.

the way lucas looked at him made him feel safe. the look in his eyes made jungwoo feel secured and important.

"jungwoo," lucas breathed. jungwoo could feel some of lucas's warm yet minty breath on his face.

"lucas... you," jungwoo gulped. "i-i think..."

they were so close...


... yet so far.

jungwoo's eyes widened as johnny burst into the dorm (how he got in, jungwoo had no idea). the american yodeled loudly and threw a pair of socks at lucas. "you forgot these at my dorm, amigo," said johnny.

lucas made a mental reminder to kick johnny in the balls later.

"is that a bowl of fucking pasta from that new italian place?"

jungwoo smiled and nodded at doyoung, who had asked that question and now eyed the take out pasta hungrily. jungwoo took a huge bite and hummed in delight as he slurped a noodle up. "lucas got it for me," mumbled jungwoo through the mouthful of noodles.

doyoung gave his best puppy eyes to his best friend. "maybe you could give your wonderful best friend a bite?"

jungwoo tilted his head, furrowing his eyebrows at doyoung. "but doyoung, i would give lucas a bite, but he got this for me and he isn't even here." jungwoo put on a pout.

doyoung gasped, letting out a whine. "i thought i was your best friend!"

"you have taeil now," jungwoo said with a shrug.

doyoung fidgeted with his fingers awkwardly. "yeah, but..."

"shh, doyoungie," says jungwoo. "no buts. there's no way i can't see you're in love!" jungwoo sang.

"it's not love! it's... intense liking of an individual!" doyoung defended. "it's the same way with you and lucas! that's why he bought pasta just for you!"

jungwoo choked on his pasta. he felt blood rush to his cheeks and his heart pounding at the mention of him loving lucas. a fluttery feeling came to his stomach when he imagined loving lucas. jungwoo suddenly envisioned lucas loving him. his body went numb when he imagined lucas gently pressing his lips to his...

"jungwoo?" doyoung snapped his fingers. "jungwoo!"

the daydreamer snapped out of his trance. "i-" he gulped and tried to get every image and daydream of him and lucas out of his head. he couldn't do it.

"gosh jungwoo, i'm just kidding." doyoung laughed at him. "god, you should've seen your face!"

jungwoo chuckled nervously. he still was imagining lucas cuddling him to death with warmth and kisses. "y-yeah... haha..."

"i don't love lucas. i can't love lucas." jungwoo paced around his room. "i just think of him as a very, very good friend."

but jungwoo wasn't convinced. ever since doyoung brought the loving lucas topic up that afternoon at lunch, jungwoo couldn't stop imagining his roommate being something more in his life. maybe jungwoo was desperate for something...

like warm cuddles and hugs. maybe he just wanted to nuzzle his face into someone's neck and sniff a soft scent. he wanted to be held and hummed a song to help him go to sleep after having a nightmare. jungwoo wanted to be kissed on the forehead, then on the nose, and then to his lips...

he realized he wanted all that from lucas.

jungwoo secretly loved the way his stomach would have a fluttery feeling in it whenever he was with lucas. he liked the way his cheeks would heat up and his whole body would feel like the sun. he liked how just being in lucas's presence would make him fidgety and pressured to be absolutely perfect.

jungwoo liked staring at lucas, sometimes he didn't even know he did it. everything lucas did seemed like a smooth action. even lucas walking somehow intrigued jungwoo. he would stare at every handsome feature of the younger; his physique and muscles, his hair and his lips. oh, and lucas's eyes. jungwoo loved his eyes more than anything. he had just realized recently that lucas's eyes were just deep and dark...

lucas was absolutely too perfect.

but not too perfect for jungwoo to love.

"oh my god..."

jungwoo realized something.

he was missing a puzzle piece in his life.

and that puzzle piece was wong yukhei.

that was so short i'm sorry
be safe little uwus <3


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