chapter twenty-three

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"no, a little bit higher... to the right..."

lucas turned around at jungwoo, hands still holding the picture frame in the air, and frowned. "babe, my arms are tired," pouted the taller boy.

jungwoo shook his head and sighed. "you can't even last two minutes!"

"in bed or-"

"boTH," jungwoo laughed at lucas's expression of hurt. "seriously, lift that picture up right there," jungwoo pointed to a specific spot the wall, "because i think it'll look better if it's perfectly centered."

lucas lifted the picture frame. "here?"


lucas moved slightly. "here?"


"what about-"

"nO, WAIT THAT WAS PERFECT!" jungwoo clapped his hands and walked over to lucas, who was still holding the frame with shaky arms. "good boy!" jungwoo patted his head.

"yeah, yeah. take it so i can screw it in," lucas said as he let go over the frame and jungwoo held it for him. he took his electric drill and a screw and screwed in the frame, which made a loud, ugly noise.

"aH, MY EARS!" the couple heard from the dorm next door. "Y'ALL BETTER NOT BE DOING IT IN THERE."

"sorry, ten," jungwoo and lucas said in unison.

after lucas had finished screwing in the last screw, jungwoo and lucas stepped back to inspect their handiwork. jungwoo squinted and turned his head, as if studying the simple placement of the frame more. "is it crooked?" lucas groaned.

jungwoo looked up with a bright smile and shook his head. "no, it's perfect," he confirmed as he snuggled into lucas's side. "it's really nice, isn't it, yukhei?"

lucas wrapped an arm around jungwoo, placing his chin on top of the boy's head. "yeah, it is."

the picture frame sat perfectly in the middle of the couple's dorm. it was large enough for anyone to see when they walked into the dorm and also served for nice decoration. oh, and a token of jungwoo and lucas's relationship, as the picture was of them. jungwoo had wanted to take a selfie on their first date with their mcdonald's, so he pulled out his phone and snapped a picture (surprisingly, jungwoo's phone had some good photo quality). in the photo itself jungwoo was leaning against lucas's shoulder, who's arm was wrapped around him, as he let lucas drink his milkshake.

it was adorable, really, and it became the couple's phone backgrounds and the famous luwoo's first date pic, as dubbed by their friend group. do some editing and make it look posh and it was good enough to be hung on the wall.

"can we keep it? like, forever and ever?" asked jungwoo, tightening his hold on lucas.

lucas ruffled the boy's gray locks. "are you asking if we can hang it when we get a house of our own?"

jungwoo stuttered cutely. "y-yeah, i suppose so." the boy was still flustered with thinking him and lucas would have their own house one day.

lucas kissed jungwoo gently. "yup, then. forever and ever."

life is like one big puzzle. what's important to us and completes our life is our puzzle. some people have a complete puzzle right away, while others' may take a while to find that final piece. sometimes the final piece may be lost until it's found again.

kim jungwoo's puzzle piece was lost, but after a little searching, he finally found his last puzzle piece, wong yukhei. his puzzle became complete again and it'll stay that way forever and ever.

it was all because they were roommates.

epilogue's next, y'all
have a nice day or night!


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